TMG Alpha Relaunch v0.3a

So… I’m still an idiot.

Here I am trying to get my Blog back together and I’ve discovered that even though WordPress, my new Blogging software of choice, is awesome and cool and… (how do you kids say it? Ah yes..) L337, I just can’t seem to figure out exactly how to set it up the way I want. I have this L337 new design with awesome-L337 colors and wicked-L337 graphics but I can’t figure out how to make it all work with WordPress’ L337 template scheme. (Is that too much use of the “hip” way of spelling “elite”? Is there such a thing as overuse of “hip” terminology? By using the word “hip” have I just proven that I’m not L337? Yes? Damn.)

So, I’m looking for help.

I’d really appreciate it if anyone out there who understood how to take a design and properly implement it as a WordPress template would be willing to explain it to me in minute detail, and maybe help code it, too. Because, you see, I’ve tried the online help articles and even though I’m beginning to understand how WordPress works, there are some things that I want to do that I can’t seem to figure out at all from reading the FAQs. Things like creating a separate Archives page with drop-down lists of Dates and Categories. Or a separate search page with choices for searching posts, comments, posts and comments or the entire web. Or creating a permalink icon with rollover effects that won’t break in last year’s browsers.

You know, simple things like that.


  1. I had your blog on “throat scabs” on my favorite links for a long time… until now I haven’t clicked on it, but to my dismay, it was no longer there! My roommate and I were having a discussion about these “nasty little critters” whenever I remembered that I had your hilarious blog still bookmarked. If you still have all your old blog info, I would greatly appreciate it if you would send it over to me. Thanks so much.

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