Throat Scabs

“What the heck?”

I stared at the tiny, hard, white and rubbery thing that I had just coughed up in consternation. I didn’t remember eating anything like what I was holding in my hand, and since the offending object had somehow managed to crawl up from the depths of my esophagus without my noticing it until it began its tickle torture on my uvula, I wanted to know what the hell it was before I smooshed it between my fingers and tossed it in the trash. What can I say? After being forced to watch Joe Millionaire last night I was feeling particularly vindictive.

Yeah, I’m petty. So what?

The offending object had the color of dirty milk and, by the way it had managed to ravage my throat as it made its escape from my windpipe, an outer shell made of equal parts sandpaper, old leather and ground glass. It was about the size of half a grain of rice, but squashed flat with a small lump in the center. Kind of like it’s nucleus, so to speak.

Rolling it between my fingers had no effect on its shape.

I started listing everything I had eaten in the last few days in my head trying to figure out what this alien embryo was made of. After about half an hour I found that I was making myself hungry but was still completely flabbergasted and no closer to identifying my mystery throat ejaculate than I had been before I began. Shrugging mentally, I flicked the offensive piece of detritus off my hand and continued on my way, determined to put it completely out of my mind.

But the little bastard was not to be gotten rid of so easily.

All day, no matter what I’ve been doing, thoughts of that unidentified piece of crap have been running through my head. I know I’m not the only person to ever have something like that come out of their mouth because I’ve actually asked people and it seems to have happened to almost everyone. Everyone seems to agree that they’re annoying but no one, and I mean no one, has any idea what the name of the damn things are, or what they’re made of.

Not even my doctor friends.

So, now that I’m unable to sleep because I’ve been too busy doing internet searches for ‘white thingie you cough up’ I figured I might as well ask my loyal readers if anyone else out there has ever had the misfortune of discovering one of these little bastards clinging to the back of their tongue. If so, what the hell was it and what do you think it was made of? Oh, and by the way, I’ve taken the liberty of naming them just so I can stop coming up with clever ways of saying ‘hard, white thingie I coughed up from my throat’. From this day forward these tiny minions of evil shall be known throughout the world as Throat Scabs.

Copyrighted and Trade Marked by The Mighty Geek. Patent Pending.

Just like Pinger©™®.

*** Update ***

Due to the amount of traffic this post has garnered by those who are afflicted with these horrible Throat Scabs, I have decided to no longer allow comments on this post until someone has actual medical knowledge to impart that has not yert been discussed. If you think you have something important to add to this topic, please email geekman AT themightygeek DOT com and I’ll add it for you if it is relevant.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write about their troubles with tonsilloliths, and their homemade remedy’s.


*** Update 03/08/04 ***

Thanks to a wonderful girl who seems to like green flowers, and who apparently wishes to remain anonymous, I was pointed towards this article which may help those of us afflicted with this horrid, horrid nuisance.

*** Update 06/09/04 ***

A kind gentleman named Roland from New Zealand sent us a link to this website which carries a product called BLiS Throat Guard that he claims helped solve his Tonsillolith problem. Roland says;

I had this problem for 50 years and finally found something that works. It is called Blis Throat Guard, developed at the University of Otago and on sale in New Zealand, I do not know about other countries. The best I can figure out how it works is like thinking of your throat and mouth as a microscoptic garden with bacteria growing all over it. The first step is to weed out the garden of bad bacteria and then replant with good plants) bacteria. Take a look at the site they have on the net and see if they sell overseas yet.

Thank you Roland!


  1. Tonsil Stones (tonsilloliths) are caused by an
    accumulation of sulfur-producing bacteria
    and debris that become lodged in the tonsils.
    This debris (which can include mucous from
    post nasal drip) putrifies in the back of your
    throat, and collects in the tonsil crypts (small
    divots or pockets which appear on the
    surface of the tonsils).

    When this debris combines with the Volatile
    Sulfur Compounds produced by the
    anaerobic bacteria beneath the surface of
    your tongue, along with the tonsil stones it
    can also create chronic Halitosis (and other
    stubborn bad breath and taste disorders)

  2. Hey….IM so glad i found this site..i dont have the chux that get coughed up…but i do have sore throats alll the time it seemslike and on my right tonsil i have one big white spot …. im not sure wat this is but any one who has the same thing going on or knows what im talking about PLZ get in contact with me HuNiEBUNNNIe4u

  3. Charlize Theron on a pogo stick! I can’t express how amazingly relieved I am to discover I’m not the freak and pariah I thought I was. I can now walk the streets wrapped in gauze and smile beneath my bandages with my oozing puss-filled stink balls seeping into the material.


  4. Its in the uk as well cant let you yanks have all the fun, by the way mine gets bad after pickeled ongions

  5. OH WOW… For years I have been able to taste the nasty little buggers before they come to a head. My husband gets them too. (at first he thought I was nuts, then he got them!) He actually performs surgery on the little chunks going down the road looking into the rearview for “good light”. He is also prone to taking a flashlight into the bathroom, turning off the lights and digging with bobby pins until they come out. I think the worst part about the “smelly Throat” (that was my google search by the way) is the discusting breath. Now my 9 year old is getting them. He says it just must be a part of growing up, poor kid. I have a dentist appointment next week and am asking about tonsil removal or some other sort of cure. Good luck to all. hope we find some sort of miracle for this soon.

  6. HA! Again, I have to say I’m glad I’m not alone. I did a search for halitosis causes and came up with this. I’ve had these white chunks in my throat for more than a decade. The doctors did throat cultures when I was a child and told me nothing conclusive. “Could be throat fungus…” Gee, thanks. They offered no solution.

    Every time I feel like something is lodged in my throat I get ready for the bad breath that invariably accompanies it. Sometimes the damn things are stuck so far down my throat that I can’t get them out. Once or twice I’ve used (very SHARP) tweezers to scrape them out, and I almost saved one in a baggie to take to the doctor to disect, but I never did. I’m going to try the Q-tip thing everyone has said has worked, because I have one stuck in the back of my throat right now giving me the worst breath ever. I can just taste and smell the foul air eminating from the depths of my throat. Gross. What else has worked for you guys as far as removing them? What do you do when they’re too far down your throat? And does the salt water thing really work? The only way I’ve found them to go away is if I sneeze or cough them out accidentally (SO gross) or if I swallow them (now knowing what they are makes it even grosser!).

  7. well all i know is that i have something on my tounge like a lump, my doctor say there are food buds, but there do smell bad, all the mouthwashes in the world i use, and there still stink, anyone know what i can do to get ride of the probblem.

  8. well all i know is that i have something on my tounge like a lump, my doctor say there are food buds, but there do smell bad, all the mouthwashes in the world i use, and there still stink, anyone know what i can do to get ride of the probblem.

  9. mu-wha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!

    now armed with the q-tip/bic pen trick i popped one out today after i started to get “the taste” in my mouth.

    now i’m thinking of the possibilities… i have a coworker who probably deserves it on his doorknob…

    i know i’m probably going to hell for this, but it’s kinda empowering.

    i think we should all have some fun with this funkiness!

  10. I get them too but only recently. i dont have bad breath or anything i just get them feel like i am going to shoot myself because they are so annoying until they finally come out if most of y’all have been getting them for years and years then i think i am just going to get my tonsils removed i cant live my whole life with these annoying shits and to the girl who uses a pen and a bobby pin you are very inventive very Magiverish

  11. I have gotten them since I was little and I used to take a flashlight out and pick them out with a long needle. They are so gross!! I found this sight because I typed in White Things Coming out of Tonsils in my search engine. I was looking for info because even though I get tonsilitis a lot, I don’t have it now, and that’s when I usually get those things now I’m wondering if I’m about to get sick. Oh yeah, and all of a sudden after ten years the stupid thing are coming out of a new hole that I didn’t know existed in the middle of my tonsil! YUK!

  12. the first time I got one of these out was because it felt like something was in the back of my throat when I swallowed. I got it out (and 3 more to my horror) by poking it out with a toothpick. When I smelled it I realized that my grandmother, who has had halitosis forever and religiously uses listerine (which does nothing for her breath) must have these things and not know it – but how do you politely broach the subject with your 83 year old grandmother w/out hurting her feelings like ” gee you know that rechid breath you’ve had for years?…” I know that when I removed my one or two (every 6 months or so) it instantly gets rid of my bad breath and I can tell their back because my husband tells me so based on my breath – I really thought I was a solitary freak that got this passed on to me by my bad-breathed grandmother!

  13. oh, I also only get them on the left side. I had several bad cases of bronchitis through-out my life, perhaps this caused scarring and large “crypts”? Also, whenever I had picked them out I just gargled with salt water 2-3 times in the next day or two and they don’t seem to come back until several months later, sometimes a think even more than a year – I do also have allergies along with post-nasal drip at certain times of year – that may be the trigger – I should keep track…

  14. i know exactly what this crap is called: a “tonsolliloith.” How do I know ? I been getting huge ones for years, almost every day! These are a result of tonsillar infections, made of dead cells and bacteria. Often caused by a lack of Vitamin A, causing degradation of integrity of mucous membranes.

  15. Alright!!! I’m ok… I searched on webMD tried to figure it out and now I finally know… Whoever made this sight… look how much relief youve given to so many people… Since were all alike we should start a stinky chunk club… maybe even a collection :)

  16. I have had chronic sore throats and these white things for over 20 years. I am going to the doctor today to discuss getting my tonsils out. I don’t know any other solution. The sore throats get so bad that it keeps me out of work for days. Big big white things all over the place. I tried the oxygen rinses, (these worked a little while but gets expensive) i tried the salt water gargling, i have picked them out with tooth picks, I give up. I throw in the towel. I will find out what the doctor says today, he is an ear, nose, throat doctor.

  17. I went to the Dr today. He suggested I get the tonsils out too. I didn’t even tell him about the white things at first, just told him I had chronic sore throats, and he asked, Do you get hard little white specs that come out of your tonsils? And I said, oh yes! Definately!! He went on to explain what they are, talked about how it is mucous and bacteria that usually get on the outside of the tonsils, but because I have cryptic tonsils, it goes into the holes and builds up. He said the reason I have cryptic tonsils is because of a lot of infections growing up.
    I am just wondering if anyone else has had their tonsils removed and experienced any improvement? Do you think I should have the surgery? I am told if I do, I would have a better quality of life because I won’t be sick so much with chronic sore throats and “white things”.
    I am way nervous about having the surgery. I also hear that your throat hurts so bad after surgery, that you don’t even WANT to eat all the ice cream that people try to temp you with.
    A big decision. I don’t know any other option?!?!!??

  18. I seriously thought that i may have been the only person with these things in my tonsils, and truthfully, i was kind of HOPING that i was the only one. But anyway, i seem to have giant crevices in my tonsils from which i pick these things out of, i don’t know, maybe if everyone who got these things collected them and sent them all to some kind of scientist or something he/she would be able to make some sort of fuel or something, that would be cool.

  19. Halleluiah!!!! I typed in so many keywords to get to this site and finally when I typed in “stink balls in throat” I got this site. As I was reading I felt such joy to know that I am not the only one on the planet who has this. I told my husband about it and he said I was crazy, and it was disgusting. I’ve had this since high school they used to come maybe 3-4times a year, and never paid them any mind I just thought they were undigested food particles coming back up. The smell, I think smells worst that shit. I can’t even describe it. Anyhow for the last 2 months I have been feeling them in my throat almost every week, and when one comes out, the next day I feel another next in line to come out and next one would take about a week to come out. So I have had disgusting breath for the last 2 months. Although there were some days where I didn’t feel them and I had good breath, it was a relief until I felt them in the back of my throat again.

    I stopped eating rice cause I thought it was not being digested, because that is what they look like. I thought that I was constipated but I would go to the bathroom normally. I tried prune juice to shit them out to no avail. Today I couldn’t take it anymore I have a few in my throat right now and I am trying to figure to get them the hell out, and so I set out to find some info on this horrendous thing, and I am gonna try the q-tip, toothpick, pen whatever it takes, I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!. It is soo embarrassing & disgusting I can’t even talk to people without putting my head down so they won’t smell the reprehensible odor, or I will talk to them from a distance. This stinkball would make me avoid contact with friends, co-workers and with especially with my husband, I don’t even want him to touch me when I feel them in my throat.
    I am sooo glad I found out that this stinkball is associated with tonsilloliths. I was going to schedule an appointment with the gastrointerologist to see if I had a stomach problem, but now I am calling my ENT first thing Monday morning, I don’t care how much money it costs the stinkballs gotta go. Thank you guys so much for your stories, I know now there is hope!!!

    Wife with Disgusting Breath.

  20. I have had this problem for years. It started on my right tonsil and has now spread to my left. I was told by an ear nose throat Dr. to gargle with salt water. I asked an internist if the problem would go away if I had my tonsils removed he said no that it was a fungus and it would just spread to other parts of the body like your adenoids. I have never really tried the salt water, but I think I will give it a try. Maybe it will kill the bacteria so it does not have a chance to grow and will gradually allow the holes to shrink. Good luck and if anyone comes up with a cure please let us know.

  21. P.S. I first noticed the tonsil problem about 7 years ago about the same time I was diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease. Since then I have had several problems related to my immune system. I am hypothroid from an attack on my thyroid by my immune system. I have borderline pernicious anemia and have to have a B-12 shot once a month. I have high blood pressure. I was diagnosed with candida albicans overgrowth which is a yeast fungus. And, I have numerous food allergies. Just wondering if anyone here has had any of these problems also. I think they are all connected. The tonsil thing is defintely my worst problem!!!

  22. Sharon,
    I was also diagnosed with candida ablicans. I take acidophilus pills to help control the candidas. Try to stay on a diet low in sugars and stuff. I also have a goiter on my thyroid, but the tests all say my thyroid is normal functioning.
    The white things in our tonsils aren’t a fungus. It is an accumulation of bacteria, white blood cells, mucous and some other “stuff”. They have put them under microscopes and done testing to find out what they are and that was the results.
    Anyway, I think there are no other options left for me. I really think I should go ahead with the surgery. The pain for a couple of weeks is worth getting rid of the chronic infections and white things that will last a lifetime. This is just how I look at it.

  23. Leeann, my Dr. also put me on acidophilus pills and wild oreganol p-73 gelcaps for my candida. I have heard that thyroid tests are not always accurate. You can check your thyroid at home using a basil thermometer. Before getting out of bed in the morning place the thermometer under your armpit for ten minutes and record the temperature for five days in a row. You can not get out of bed before taking your temperature or it will alter the reading. Your temperature should be in the range of 97.8 degrees F to 98.2 degrees F (under the arm). A temperature below this may indicate a hypothyroid state. This is how my Dr. has me check my thyroid to adjust my medication. I certainly hope the tonsil thing is not a fungus. I hope everything goes well if you decide to do the surgery. Be sure to keep us updated and Good Luck!

  24. I’m amazed to find this site! what a revelation and what a relief to know that other people have this problem. I rememeber me and my friends used to cough these obscene things up at school and we used to squish and sniff……..errrrrgh. We affectionatley named them eggy and bacons after a British fried breakfast but don’t ask me why!!!

    Any way on more serious note these things friggin stink when squished, so i’m wondering if they smell as potent when in the mouth area aswell, I worry they probably do. I can go months without having any and then they appear. I have eaten pickled onions recently, someone else mentioned that they get them when they eat these.

    Do you think smoking might cuase them at all? I have been smoking cigars quite heavily recently and they seem to have emerged!

    A couple tips i use as I am paranoid about having bad breath. I rub the back of my tongue with my finger and sniff, this is normally a good indicator for me. Also i drink black tea as i read somewhere that this helps tp combat the causes of bad breath.

    well good luck everyone and keep the mints handy!!

  25. I had those stinky tonsiloliths from age 12 to now (age 42)…I would check my tonsils every day and push out the whitish grey things with my finger pressing against the base or side of the tonsil. Anyway, I am so happy to say that 1 month ago I had a tonsillectomy done at an outpatient surgicenter by an ENT doctor. Take the pain medicine and make sure to drink lots of water and other fluids. Jello goes down pretty easy. Sore throat for at least 2 weeks…But now, No more bad breath!!!! I wish I would have done this a lot sooner. (tried all the other “remedies” like salt water and baking soda gargle, breath sprays, Listerine, etc…) Good Luck to all tonsilolith sufferrers!

  26. I have also been plagued by tonsiloliths. I spoke with my mother about the problem, and she was saddened that I had been affected but understanding — she had the same problem when she was younger. Because she had chronic soar throats, the doctors performed a tonsillectomy when she was in her 30’s. As for the pain of the procedure, I remember that for two weeks I had to read what she scribbled on a pad because she couldn’t speak. But the pain was worth it in her mind. Encouragingly, she hasn’t had a problem with the “stinky throat balls” since, improving her breath tremendously.

    Although tonsillectomies were quite common 20 years ago, they are being done less now and it may be harder to convince health care providers to perform the operation. Perhaps there are other options, but the procedure does seem to stop the problem. My guess is that we don’t see more testimonials from people with successful tonsillectomies on this page because people who no longer have the problem already know what it is and aren’t looking for relief. Talk with you physician about the possibilities.

    Good luck!

  27. Sharon,
    What is oreganol p-73 caps? I have never heard of it. What’s it suppose to do?
    Thanks for the info on the temp reading. I will definately try it!! So if it is lower than 97.8, then I am hypo thyroid?

    Also I am a non-smoker and still get this.

    The post above was encouraging about the mother getting the tonsils out and her problems went away. I wish I would have gotten the surgery when I was younger too, I am now in my 30’s.

  28. This is such a cool site! I thought my body was a freak until I read everyone’s entries. I do have one word of advice to everyone that says they are getting their tonsils out. Make sure they take them “completely” out. I had a tonsilectomy when I was 8. I am now 36 and I have these gross white stink balls. My doctor said that there must have been a fold or piece that was not take out and now it is just a gross pocket for the gross stinky white chunks. I have it on my left side. My ear and throat starts to hurt and I get that nasty breath. That is when I know thatin my throat the gross pocket thing needs to be drained, which I do with a q-tip. GROSS! I will try the salt water and see how that goes. Good luck to everyone. =]

  29. I have crackle. I hate crackle. (crackle = tonsilstones) Today I found it’s lair and invaded without mercy. There were no apparent survivors, but I fear that their children will grow up to become twice the crackle that their parents ever were!

    Here’s a fun test… lick the top of your hand, dry it off with your shirt, give it a whiff. That’s the home of crackle.

    c = crap smelling
    r = rancid
    a = ass-like
    c = cough them up
    k = knowin’ your breath stinks
    l = lethal breath
    e = eerie

  30. Leeann, you can find the wild oreganol p-73 gel caps at a health food store. My Dr. told me to take it for my candida. I found this link that tells about it.

    Yes, you should do the test for at least five days in a row and if it is consistantly below 97.8 degrees F. it is my understanding that you may very well have a thyroid problem (hypothyroid) even though your lab tests came back normal. There is also an iodine test to check your thyroid but I have not tried it. You take a Q-tip and dip it in 2% tincture of iodine and paint a 2″ square on your thigh or belly. This will leave a yellowish stain that should disappear in about 24 hours if your iodine levels are normal. If the stain disappears in under 24 hours, it means your body is deficient in iodine and has thirstily sucked it up. If you are deficient you are suppose to apply the stain every day at different sites until it lasts a full 24 hours.

    I am also a non-smoker, but I am exposed to second hand smoke. I started having the tonsil problem after I had been sick with alot of colds that would turn into really bad coughs. I think they weakened my immune system and that is why I started having all of my problems.

  31. p.s. Leeann, on the instruction sheet from my Dr. on how to check your basil temperature it says that it makes no difference when the temperatures are taken for men or post-menopausal women, but menstruating women should start taking their temperature on the second day of menstruation that this was the best time in a woman’s menstrual cycle to get an accurate basil temperature.

  32. hey wassup,
    i swear its soooo funny reading everyone’s postings. Everone here are like surgeons:) performing operations on themselves. I finally found out what they are by this site (thanks), me and my friends just called them golf balls or snow balls, but my god they smell so bad. I was driving home and i felt something in the back of my throat i pulled one out, then i felt another one ipulled it too, then i felt another one, so i had like three of them on each of my finger, drinving with one hand……. i swaer thats sooooo gross, sorry to sick you guys out, but its my story. thanks everyone, and i surely think there has to be another solution besides surgery!

  33. Great! So yall are telling me that surgery would be the cure. Is anyway positive about this?!? Last night I was up late playing on the computer and 3 big chunks came shooting out of my mouth – with a little gagging help! I don’t no why I feel the need to smell them. I think that it is just amazing that something that smelly can come out of my mouth – its crazy. When I first noticed them – about 3 years ago – I thought I had a illness and went to the doctor. He just laughed at me and said they will go away on there own- OK WHEN WILL THAT HAPPEn??????? I just want to no what to do thats all. I can’t stand the breath any longer – especially in the AM – I don’t even open my mouth to talk to ANYONE until I have brushed for ever and ate something or another. That seems to rid the breath for a while. HELP Good that I am not the only one:)

  34. I seriously cannot believe that so many sufferers are out there! My husband thinks I’m crazy and obsesive about my throat, and my doctor “doesn’t see what I am talking about!” I, too, thought of picking one out for him, saving it, and shoving it in his face, but couldn’t bring myself to do it because the damn things are just so embarrasing.
    I have had these awhile now, but they have recently gotten worse after an episode with strep throat. Does anyone else feel “more tired than usual” and does it ever hurt to breath? I swear, I think they have become like gremlins and lined my whole esophogus right down to my stomach lining. uuugggghhhh

  35. These things are ruining my life. I believe them to be the cause of my bad breath, and want to know what I can do to get rid of them. It seems like even if I am able to prod one out with a Q-Tip there is a “never ending” supply behind where the one came from in the crevices of my tonsils. My throat always hurts after sticking the Q-Tip back there and poking around. Somebody please help us!

  36. Yes, it is never-ending. Believe me, I waited 30 years before I finally decided to just get the *&%$# tonsils removed!! You can keep picking them out, dealing with the putrid breath they cause, and keep getting sore throats til you die. The only answer is tonsillectomy. I know, its a major decision…but I am so GLAD I did it! Now, one month later, no more bad breath and no more checking the tonsils for those smelly things.

  37. Hi All,
    I don’t think I have laughed so hard in months!! The postings are great and I am glad that everyone is so very honest about these nesty things. As many of u have dealt with, NOONe believes me about them and Dr.s just shrug and say they are food and such, well, I am sick of the sore throats and these things, I have a tonsilectomy scheduled for tomorrow at 9 am and I am scared shitless but I have been sick for yrs. with throat problems. Someone had asked earlier what the cost of the surgery is, it will run my insurance company anywhere from $2700 to $4000 to get it done, althoug I have to pay 10% of the total cost:-( but still I hope to find SOME relief, have any of u had this done and had any results?:-)

  38. Hi All,
    I don’t think I have laughed so hard in months!! The postings are great and I am glad that everyone is so very honest about these nesty things. As many of u have dealt with, NOONe believes me about them and Dr.s just shrug and say they are food and such, well, I am sick of the sore throats and these things, I have a tonsilectomy scheduled for tomorrow at 9 am and I am scared shitless but I have been sick for yrs. with throat problems. Someone had asked earlier what the cost of the surgery is, it will run my insurance company anywhere from $2700 to $4000 to get it done, althoug I have to pay 10% of the total cost:-( but still I hope to find SOME relief, have any of u had this done and had any results?:-)

  39. Indeed, even as a medical intern, I was pondering about what the hell just came out of my mouth. Small, white, mal smelling, jeeze!

    Well, the oral docs call it tonsil stones, composed of bacteria, and alot of other hi-tech stuff.

    Relax, you’ll live, but these stones can be a pain in the gluteus maximus.

  40. It is great to read through all of these accounts of life long closet tonsilolith’ers. I also have felt ashamed and embarassed to admit that I have suffered from this condition for years. I am 27 and remember them from when I was in elementary school. I have had the WORST allergies this year and I am positive that it has increased my ‘stinky-goo-production’. I have noticed that I am having this problem on the left side also. I am not sure if it has ever happened on the right.. but right now it is only on the left. how odd! I think I will be calling the doctor tomorrow to set up an apt. for a surgical consultation to get these tonsils out. There is nothing grosser to realize that you have just swallowed a stinky cheese ball that gets stuck in your throat! EWWWW!

  41. The place at thera-breath , i bought into that too, tried it, but do you really want to buy this stuff and use it everyday for the rest of your life until you die? a burden for us, $$$ for him, is how I feel.
    I am still weighing towards getting the tonsils out in october.
    Unless someone else can talk me out of it with a really good reason. Everyone I know or talked to that has had the surgery has had great results and doesn’t regret it. :)

  42. wow,
    that is a kinda nasty type thing, but i have found them also. i thought it was from smoking. man they stink.
    oh well i will live with them.

  43. I really love all of you people!! It is so great to see all of the deep down feelings here on this site. Like I have so happily said, the only way to salvation is to just get the @#$%%% removed!! Where was this info when I was just a teenager and was putting up with these smelly tonsil stones? Anyway, I purposely went to this site to tell everyone that the best result comes from total removal of the tonsil…what more need I say? Best of Luck to all Tonsilolither’s!!

  44. Hi,
    If you do a search on Tonsilloliths it’s amazing you get a whole bunch of results!!! And also ways to cure it! Thanks goodness I’m not the only one!!!

    One of the sites reads as follows:

    Tonsil Stones (tonsilloliths) are caused by an accumulation of sulfur-producing bacteria and debris that become lodged in the tonsils. This debris (which can include mucous from post nasal drip) putrifies in the back of your throat, and collects in the tonsil crypts (small divots or pockets which appear on the surface of the tonsils).

    When this debris combines with the Volatile Sulfur Compounds produced by the anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that die when exposed to oxygen and immediately cause odor) beneath the surface of your tongue, along with the tonsil stones it can also create chronic Halitosis (and other stubborn bad breath and taste disorders).

    Important: If you do not have your tonsils then you will NOT
    experience tonsil stones. However this does NOT mean that you should
    run out and get your tonsils removed.

  45. Listen!!! I had my tonsils out when I was 9. Now I am almost 30 and these things just started showing up. So, point is I do not have tonsils yet I have these crappy things. That’s just the fact, no offense to anyone else’s research but keep it in mind when looking for answers.

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