Show Me The Funny

Here’s your chance to get some Geeky Linky-Love.

I’m going to try a little experiment and you’re going to help. I want you to write a wacky, silly, strange or otherwise nonsensical sentence and then email it to me. I’ll use the top ten or twenty sentences I receive in a story, depending of course on the amount of entries I receive. I’ll post the story here next Friday and I’ll even link your sentence back to your website so everyone will know just how clever, witty and funny you really are.

Before you fire up your favorite word processor, here’s some simple ground rules.

The sentence you send should be in English and be no more than twenty words long, although those words can be of any length. The sentence can be about anything at all, but please no curse words. Any entries containing curse words will not be used and yes, that means you too, mom. You may send as many entries as you wish, but each entry must be in a separate email. Only one entry per website will be used in the final story. GeekMan reserves the right to not use your entry no matter how clever you might think it is. Even if it does involve llamas. Once submitted, all entries become the property of The Mighty Geek. All entries must be received by 11pm EST, Wednesday April 30, 2003.

Email your entries to: geekman at the mighty geek d0t c0m

That’s it. There’s no prize money or gifts being offered here, just the chance to see your words used in a weird and (hopefully) funny way. Well, that and perhaps the gift of a few meager click-throughs from the readership here at The Might Geek. Now dream up a few zany words and string them together so I can write something funny for you next week.

And don’t forget to spell check!


  1. My philisimilitude needs the assistance of some oxidative phospholoration. In the long term quadraspazed ribonoxitativaquad will ,ahem, iteg-cheese-grate by means of luck.

    Step 2:

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