How Hackers Learn To Write

Hukt on Foniks iz thuh best!

Thanks too thuh gud peepuhl at Hukt on Foniks, I hav lernd to ryt reel well. After only three weeks, I haf improovd my ryting skilz so muhch that I no longer need to yooz Mycrowsoft Wordz spel cheker! I am so prowd uff myself fowr lerning how to ryt that I haf desided to tehl thuh world abowt it ryt heer on my vehrri own web syte. And, for thuh first tym evah, I’m not going to yooz thuh spel cheker befoor I pohst!

Ha! I bet yoo did naht even notiss thuh diffurrenss!

I wood lyk to giff uh big showt owt to awl thuh peepuhl who haff mayd this day posseebuhl for me. Brehd, for giffing me thuh kik in my ass that I needed to fynuhllee admit my prahblem and ehnroll in thuh Hukt on Foniks prohgrahm. Miz Ex-Bahks, for teeching me that in lyf there iz no reset buhttuhn. And, of coors, the luhvlee and beyootihfull HoBizkit. She wuhz my inspuhrayshun threwowt this hohl ordeal. She wuz my lyt, my guyding stahr and my rok. Withowt her by my syd I wood nehver haff mayd it throo thuh prohgrahm too becuhm thuh wonderfuhl ryter that I am tooday.

HoBizkit, I luhv yoo.

So, I hohp my cuhming forward will serff az an exahmpuhl too all uff yoo who may haff thuh saym prahblem I did. Doo naht bee skayrd too stahnd uhp and admit that yoo haff a prahblem. It iz nehver too layt too lern thuh ryt way too ryt. Yoo ahr nehver too ohld too lern how to spel! And won day, three weeks after yoo stahrt thuh prohgrahm, yoo too will bee prowd too say;

“Hukt on Foniks wurkt for ME!


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