Past And Future Slices

Well, since no one has any complaints about my writing so far, I guess I’ll just keep doing what I like to do and be as funny and entertaining as possible. If that just happens to include writing about silly new products, then so be it.

And if that’s not a perfect segue, I don’t know what is.

How many people out there like peanut butter? OK, now how many of you think that it’s just too difficult and time consuming to have to open up that jar of Jiffy and use a knife to spread that peanut-buttery goodness onto the bread? Wouldn’t it be great if peanut butter came in individually wrapped slices just like cheese? The people who invented PB Slices thought so too, and now they’ve turned that fabulous idea into a marketable product! Oh, yummy!


Anywaste, I’ve uploaded the CAN-Struction pictures I promised, you can find them here. I’ll be back to writing more substantial entries tomorrow or Thursday, but be prepared for something special in December. I’m going to be writing an ongoing series about my favorite holiday memory from my youth. It’ll be long and involved so it might take a few weeks of entries to tell, but it’ll be worth it. Trust me.

And if anyone from my family is reading this then yes, that Christmas.

[Evil Laugh Here]


  1. I think someone out there will wind up slapping the slices on thier bare butt cheeks.. just for kicks.

  2. I remember a barbie-aisle pink gum that came in a toothpaste tube. Nauseatingly sweet and scratchy on the throat. I ate them daily, of course.

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