Tell Me About Your Mother…

Snippets of a conversation I had this morning with my mother. Please keep in mind that she’s a sweet and loveable person with a huge heart and everyone who’s ever met her loves her. But sometimes she just says things that sound wrong unless you really know her.

“Well, you tell Papaya (Fishman’s girlfriend) that I want my soup! She should be in the kitchen, barefoot and slaving over a hot stove so my soup is ready by tomorrow.”

“Would you like her pregnant, too?”

“No. She should get married first.”

“HoBiscuit is how old? Oh my! She had better marry you and squeeze out some kids before her time is up.”

“She better what?”

“Well, you know what I mean. I want to see some grandchildren.”

“If she hears you saying things like that, I’ll be sure to bring them to your gravesite.”

There was more, much more, but she might die of embarrassment if I post them all so I’ll stop now.

Since it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow, the next few days will be a little hectic so I don’t think I’ll be able to write anything new until this weekend, but you never know. I’ll be posting the pictures of the CAN-struction exhibit this weekend and I’ll hopefully have a new skin up sometime next week. Be afraid.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!