Living On The Edge

I’m going to try something new.

It’s been pointed out to me by several people that I write very long entries. According to those people this is sometimes ‘not a good thing’ because sometimes people just want a quickie. Something they can read, laugh at and move on from in as short a period of time as possible.

Well, la-dee-frickin-DA.

So beginning today I am creating a new category here called, ironically enough, ‘Quickie’. And to start it off, here’s today’s quickie brought to you by the letters M, G, and the color Tope Taupe.

If a woman on a popular ‘reality’ TV show declares that if a man asked two women friends to have a threesome with him he’d be surprised at how many women would say yes, it is never a good idea to turn to your fiancée and exclaim, “You mean I could have had you AND your sexy friend at the same time?!”

No good will ever come of that. Believe you, me.


  1. But, but.. I like the long entries.
    They’re the highlight of my evenings.

    Yes, I know I’m pathetic.

    P.S: Bring back the long entries.

  2. Does this mean I should ask two women friends to have a threesome with me? I somehow *know* I’ll just get in twice the trouble.

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