Kvetching Up

It’s been a tough weekend.

On Thursday GeekHaus suffered a blow that would have brought other, less adaptable, households to their knees. And although the forces of evil did their worst, we did not falter in our efforts to thwart their attack and continue our sworn mission to bring Geekiness to all the peoples of the world. So when, on a day that shall be forever known as Dark Thursday, the army of Chaos caused us to lose that which we so desperately loved, our cable modem, we did what every Geek family has done since the beginning of recorded time.

We complained. Loudly.

And so it came to pass that on Tuesday, a day that shall forever after be known as Victoria (because it sounds nice and makes us feel all funny inside), order was restored to the world in the form of a working cable modem in the GeekHaus. And there was great rejoicing.

And now for something completely different.

Today in America is Election Day. If you’re American and you have not yet voted then stop reading this, get off your butt and get out there and vote! I don’t really care who you vote for, just do you duty and vote for someone. Hell, if you don’t like anybody on the tickets write in someone you do like. John Stewart, Pete Rose, Woody Woodpecker… anybody, because if you don’t vote then you have absolutely NO FRICKING RIGHT to ever complain about, give praise to, or be proud/despondent about the people in office.

And now it’s time for Election Day TV and Whoppers.


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