Holey Underwear, GeekMan

I need new underwear.

Just a little while ago, as I was sitting on the toilet, I happened to glance down and noticed that my tighty-whities had a hole in them about the size of a quarter. Right in the middle of the butt. One might think it a little strange for me not to notice a hole like that when I first put them on this morning but really, I don’t think anyone reading this Blog is all that surprised.

Especially since we’re talking about me.

Anywaste, after bowing my head in shame for a bit, I decided my best chance for redemption was to simply go to my stash of clean underwear and change into a non-holey pair. Unfortunately, since I am still living out of suitcases and plastic covered boxes, the only other clean underwear I could find also had holes in them.

Big, gaping, I’m-under-attack-by-killer-moths holes.

So now I’m thinking about going out and buying some new underwear except that if I do buy new underwear HoBiscuit will want to buy herself some new clothes and by the time we’re done shopping we’ll need a new apartment just for all our new clothes and we won’t be able to pay for the kitchen remodeling we’re doing in this apartment. It’s a conundrum, alright, and I’m paralyzed with indecision, because wearing holey underwear feels wrong but going commando makes me feel all flippy-floppy. So I’m having an internal debate over whether I should buy more tighty-whities or if I should go with the newfangled fitted boxer-briefs I’ve seen in the stores, because even though I like boxers I just don’t think I could handle that much freedom.

Hey, what’s with all the gagging?


  1. Pingback: BlogBites
  2. Go COMMANDO then you’ll only have to worry the holes in your gaberdines!

    Or just wear HoBiscuit’s thongs?

  3. Boxer briefs are neat.. especially if you want to eventually move to boxers in your future undergarment plans… like me.

    My ol’fella didnt like being constrained so now its boxers all the time.

    besides.. boxers come in all kinds of cool patterns.. If theres a Spiderman Boxer out there, Then Geek knows what hes getting for the holidays this year.

  4. Hey, your brother in law and your 2 little nephews wear boxer briefs. Welcome to the family!
    (Definitely too much info)

  5. I don’t understand, when you were a bachelor you should have been wearing hip and happening underwear like boxer briefs. Now your married and your finally considering it! Man you’re messed up in the head.

    My vote is for G-string underwear.

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