Don’t Read This

Let’s try a little experiment, shall we?

Today I’m just going to write whatever comes to mind and I’m not going to edit what I write at all. That’s right, I won’t even spell check. I wonder if I’ll actually have anything funny to say if I don’t actually think about what I’m going to say.

So, here I am. Typing.

La la la. Tickity-tack, tickity-tack.

I wonder if those are periods, dots or ellipses?

Well, so far this experiment is a colossal waste of time. Nothing funny is coming to mind and suddenly I have writers block. Well, not really. I could always write something stupid. But then, that wouldn’t be any different than any other day, now would it?

I’m a boring, unfunny schmuck, aren’t I?

Wait, I can write something if I just concentrate a little. How about trying some writing exercises? Hmmm, what to try? Oh yeah, the “repetition” method. So, choose a word at random and then type whatever comes to mind. Right. I can do this. So, think of a word, Geek. One word. Just a single word. Comeon! I can do this, I know it!


OK, well, dammit’s a word, right? We can go with that. Let’s make dammit work for us. Dammitdammitdammitdammit. That’s a fun word to say isn’t it? Dammit. Hah! I like saying that word. It makes me feel like my mouth is moving in the same way a fish out of water gasps for air. Hahahahaha! Stupid fish, he shouldn’t be out of the water. The water is his home. Does he think he’s too good for his home? Does the stupid fish think he’s special? Why? He’s not special, he’s just a fish. He should go home before he dies. But he thinks he’s too good for his home, huh? Home’s not good enough for you? FINE.

Stupid fish. Go ahead and suffocate. See if I care.

Well, now what should I do? Should I keep writing, or just end this stupidity before someone comes over here and puts me out of my misery? Maybe I should stop. My stomach feels kinda weird, like a bubble or something is inside me trying to get out. You know, come to think on it I almost feel as if I have to…


Heh, I just farted.

Maybe if I sit real still it won’t stink. Ok, I won’t move, not a muscle. Here I am, not moving, please don’t stink or the people in this office will never hire me again and I really need the money so I can pay for the wedding. Please don’t stink, please don’t stink, pleasepleaseplease, oh please…

Holy crap! Wheee-ooo! What the hell did I eat for lunch!?

OK, that’s it, I’m done. This experiment sucks and I swear I’ll never do something this idiotic again. From now on its plan ahead before I write or I just skip that days post and count my blessings. Stupid, stupid experiment. I can’t believe I wrote about farting. I’m so frickin embarrassed I think I’ll drown my sorrows in a carbonated beverage in another part of this office far, far away from the smell I’ve just invented that appears to be removing the paint from the ceiling.

Heh, I bet that stupid fish wishes he was back in the water now, huh?


  1. Ok, I won’t say that your experiment was a total failure….not yet.

    As a man of science I know that you can’t have an experimental group of only one because nothing can be learned.

    What we need are thousands of examples so that we can evaluate whether typing aimlessly, about nothing at all, making no sense, adding, in obvious desperation, references to fartging, is good, bad, or indifferent.

    So, plesae, for the next year or so, type aimlessly on your site, then when that time is over, we’ll talk.

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