Cable HDTV Suxxors

I hate cable.

I’m in the process of researching my next big purchase, a giant flatscreen TV and a home theater PC for my living room, and I’ve run into a wall. A big, stupid, content protection scheme wall and it’s harshing my buzz. All I want to be able to do is connect my HD cable box to the HTPC so the HTPC can control/record anything I want AND let me surf the web or play video games on the big screen TV.

But the cable company doesn’t like that.

Apparently, I’m allowed to connect NON-digital cable to a PC without a problem, but trying to connect cable’s digital signal or HD content to a PC is evil! There are only two methods I’ve been able to discover for getting HD content on a PC, and they both suck donkey tail.

  1. Use a consumer-level OTA HD video card which will give me any local HD channels that are available over the air but I won’t get any of the channels I actually care about getting, like Discovery HD or HBO HD.
  2. Spend an extra $1,000 or so and get an HTPC with a cablecard connection, which would allow me to do everything I want to do, but only after paying heavily for the privilege! To make it even more infuriating, so far I’ve only found three PC makers who make HTPCs with cablecards; CannonPC, S1 Digital & Velocity Micro.

Sometimes life is so very, very cruel.

Chevy Travesty


Have you seen the latest commercial for the Chevy Traverse that is being shown during the Olympics? If you haven’t here’s a somewhat clipped version of it. For those too lazy to click the link and watch the video, let me describe it to you via my inner monologue the first time I saw it.

“Commercial time! That means I can go to the bathroom before they get back to showing the women’s beach volleyball quarter finals…”
“What the hell…?”
“Why is there a guy with no shirt on my TV?”
“And why is he ironing something with a PINK iron?”
“What?! Six month anniversary?! Looooserrrr!”
“That’s a kids dress! For a little girl! Like a child!”
“Holy crap, this guy’s a pedophile!”
“What’s this commercial for?”
A CAR?!?!?!?!
“What the HELL does a p-whipped guy ironing little girl clothes have to do with a car?!”
“By the unholy alliance of mayo and pickles, what schmuck in marketing at Chevy thought it was a good idea to greenlight this commercial? How exactly does making Chevy the official pedophiles automobile of choice make any kind of sense?”
“And OMG, now he’s on his knees cleaning the toilet.”
“I think I’m going to need to douse my eyes with bleach to remove this from my head.”
“Chevy, you are sick, sick people. Seek professional help before someone gets hurt. Please.”

It’s haunting my dreams. I’m scared to sleep because if I close my eyes the scary pedophile in the bright red Chevy Traverse is going to drive into my head and steal my soul. I’ll never, ever be able to see a black toilet again without thinking of some shirtless pervert cleaning it. And don’t even get me started on how scary pink irons were BEFORE I saw this commercial.

Somebody hold me.

Bus Of Doom

Well, maybe not THAT bad, but still depressing.

Traveling by bus may be the least expensive option a lot of times, but it sure isn’t the most comfortable. I had a large lady squeeze (and I do mean SQUEEZE) into the seat next to me on the ride to Maryland on Friday. Now, sitting next to a large person isn’t so bad in and of itself, they’re still people. But when that large person insists on trying to squeeze past me to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes without allowing me to get up and let them pass I might become annoyed. In this case, I got angry after the third time her gigantic butt came into contact with my face because she believed she was skinny enough to fit her two foot wide butt through the six inch opening between my face and the seat in front of me.

Talk about bad moon rising.

Anywaste, Baltimore was a load of fun. I bought some anime stuff I probably shouldn’t have, spent more than I should have and had way more fun that I thought I would. The costumes looked very cool and the people were really nice. The only truly down side was that my camera had a technical problem so I don’t have any pictures of all the cool costumes everyone was wearing, but you can find a whole buch on Flickr if you’re interested in seeing crazy people dressed up as their imaginary friends. And before you ask, NO. I was not so pathetic as to wear a costume.

I… ahem. I didn’t have time to make one.


As in Maryland.

Why? Because that’s where Otakon is taking place and I needs me an anime fix! Oh happy day! I’ll be there with about 25,000 of my closest friends so if you’re going to be anywhere in the vicinity feel free to say hello. You’ll be able to tell it’s me because I’ll be one of three people who look clean, don’t stink, isn’t dressed up as an anime character and doesn’t have a horrible case of acne.

Plus, I wear cologne.

Another tip for finding the GeekMan, I am OLD. Just look around for the people who seem too old to be at an anime convention without children to chaperon and I’ll probably be in the middle of that group… crying. Not because I’m sad that I’m old, no. I’ll be crying because all the hot high school and college aged girls who love anime today didn’t exist when I was their age. I mean, when the hell did anime become socially acceptable for sexy cheerleaders to like?!

Dammit. Sometimes life is so unfair.

Managing My Fonts

I have a lot of fonts.

Thousands and thousands of them, in fact. And keeping tabs on all those fonts is hard enough under regular conditions, but when it’s three in the morning and you’re under a deadline and need to find that font you used three jobs ago but can’t remember the name of, font management becomes CRITICAL. Which is why every designer needs a good font management program to help keep those unruly fonts in line.

Which brings me to my favorite font manager program ever; MainType.

I’ve tried a lot of font managers over the years, but I’ve yet to find one that works as well as MainType. From the (slightly) customizable interface, to the font rendering, to the ability to group fonts together in any way you want, MainType does everything I need a font manager to do. Of course, there are a few features I’d love to see added or improved upon, like having MainType work with PFM fonts and faster font preview rendering. But overall, this is one heck of a good program for designers, artists or anyone who has a lot of fonts to contend with on a daily basis. On a completely arbitrary scale of 1 to 10, MainType gets 8 Happy Geeks.

And really, how can you resist 8 Happy Geeks?

Ghetto Vegas

I used to love going to Atlantic City.

The last time I went to AC for the sole purpose of entertainment was sometime in 2002 when I took a Chinatown bus with my grandparents. I had a lot of fun on that trip because gambling with grandpa was always a good for my comedic writing, especially when he nearly comes to blows with a pit boss because he thought he deserved more than a “measly $20 voucher for the buffet” for playing craps for four hours. But even back then I could feel that AC wasn’t the kind of place I would want to visit on my own, because everything about it feels wrong to me. Whenever I’m there I felt sad and apologetic, as if I’m watching some desperate social outcast trying to make friends by standing in the middle of the street screaming, “Love me! I’m smart and good looking!”. It embarrasses everyone. However, I went there on Saturday primarily to see Mr. Hentai, and only secondarily to gamble, so I figured my old feelings of distaste for the place wouldn’t matter so much.

OMG, how wrong I was.

First, there was the bus ride there, where I was forced to sit next to a woman who had the most atrocious case of flatulence it has ever been my displeasure to smell. The first time I caught a whiff of her gas I seriously believed the bus’ bathroom had somehow caught on fire. The second inhalation made me revise that belief into wondering if my seat could possibly be made out of the freshly removed flesh of dead leper. By the third assault on my nostrils I came to the understanding that the woman next to me, who not once looked in my direction or apologized, was letting loose rippers that should by all rights have melted the seat out from under her. I am not exaggerating in the least when I say I spent the entire two and a half hour trip doing my absolute best to hold my breath long enough to make myself pass out just so I could stop smelling whatever animal carcass she had decomposing up her rectum.

My eyes are tearing up just remembering it.

Then there was the casinos themselves, which have always felt like poor imitations of their Vegas counterparts, all seemed a bit run down around the edges. And the food, which wasn’t bad really, but cost more than similar food in NYC. And we all know that a frickin pretzel, no matter who’s aunt baked it, shouldn’t cost $4, right? Then could someone out there tell me why my pretzel and drink snack combo cost me $6?

I mean, there wasn’t even a cheap plastic toy to go with it.

At least I got to have fun hanging out with Mr. Hentai. We spent a good 6 hours wandering the Boardwalk, going to each and every hotel-casino there. We played craps in every casino, too. And if you’re at all interested in my opinion, the best two casinos were the Tropicana and the Taj Mahal. That’s where we won the most money and no matter how hard the other casinos tried, they couldn’t break our winning streak and by the time I left Mr. Hentai and I had made quite a bit of cash. But don’t tell HoBiscuit I won anything, because she’d want to spend it on something stupid, like baby clothes or a spa treatment. And that just won’t do.

Because this money has Wii written all over it. Booyah!


Tomorrow my life gets crappy… and that’s a good thing.

I know what you’re thinking, crappy = bad. However, when you take into account that I’m going to Atlantic City to meet up with Mr. H to play a certain game of chance involving dice, you might come to the realization that I’ll be having fun tomorrow. All of which is my way of saying that I’m going to be having a great time losing money gambling tomorrow, and I even have HoBiscuit’s blessing to do it! Shocking, isn’t it? Truthfully, I think it’s her way of thanking me for being so good in Arizona, but I honestly don’t care about the reason. All I know is, I’m getting to hang out and blow through money like a 1940’s movie gangster trying to impress his bosses moll.

Hot diggity dog, this is gonna be fun.