Bus Of Doom

Well, maybe not THAT bad, but still depressing.

Traveling by bus may be the least expensive option a lot of times, but it sure isn’t the most comfortable. I had a large lady squeeze (and I do mean SQUEEZE) into the seat next to me on the ride to Maryland on Friday. Now, sitting next to a large person isn’t so bad in and of itself, they’re still people. But when that large person insists on trying to squeeze past me to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes without allowing me to get up and let them pass I might become annoyed. In this case, I got angry after the third time her gigantic butt came into contact with my face because she believed she was skinny enough to fit her two foot wide butt through the six inch opening between my face and the seat in front of me.

Talk about bad moon rising.

Anywaste, Baltimore was a load of fun. I bought some anime stuff I probably shouldn’t have, spent more than I should have and had way more fun that I thought I would. The costumes looked very cool and the people were really nice. The only truly down side was that my camera had a technical problem so I don’t have any pictures of all the cool costumes everyone was wearing, but you can find a whole buch on Flickr if you’re interested in seeing crazy people dressed up as their imaginary friends. And before you ask, NO. I was not so pathetic as to wear a costume.

I… ahem. I didn’t have time to make one.

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