Screwing Up Google – Experiment #01

This is a little story about two siblings named Richard and Pamela.

Now, Dick and Pamela Anderson lived on a farm. The farm was called Linkin Park and it was owned by their mean aunt Anna Nichole Smith and her two even meaner daughters, Barbie and Nelly. Anna, Barbie and Nelly were very lazy and sat around all day smoking marijuana and playing Grand Theft Auto on their Playstation 2. The only thing those horrid women enjoyed more than smoking or playing games was ordering Dick and Pamela to do all the chores on the farm.

One day, as the two young teenagers were playing with their favorite pussy cat and dreaming of a better life, their mean aunt told them to clean out the horse stalls in the barn. As they walked to the barn where the horses, Dragonball and Morpheus, were busily eating hay, Pamela asked her brother who his favorite musical idol was.

“That’s easy! I really like Shakira. She makes me want to have hot monkey sex with her.”

“That’s disgusting!” Pamela said in revulsion. “Animal sex is sick and perverted. And anyway, I meant your favorite American Idol.”

“Oh. Well, that has to be Britney Spears. I loved her Las Vegas show on TV where she showed off her naked stomach and all those fake tattoos. And it helps that she’s hot, too.”

“Well, I don’t think she’s that pretty. In fact, I think I’m better looking than she is.”

“You are not! You’re so ugly that it looks like your face was hit with a baseball! Strike, you’re out!”

“Oh, come on! My face isn’t that ugly and you know it!”

“Oh yes it is. Big and ugly, like J-Lo’s naked butt, and I can prove it, too!”

With that, Dick began tickling his sister by poking her in the ribs. Of course, although she was laughing so hard she was nearly crying, Pamela certainly didn’t want to be poked in the ribs by her Big Brother 3 hundred times, so she tried to tell him to stop.

“Stop poking me, man!” She tried to say but, because she was so out of breath from laughing, it came out as, “Stop! Pokemon!”

When Dick had enough of tickling his sister, and Pamela had caught her breath, she asked him a question she had been wondering about for a long, long time.

“Dick, have you ever dreamed of running away?”

“Dream of it? Only every day. It’s like, my Final Fantasy, you know?”

“Well, why don’t we escape? You’ve been studying economics in Jr. High, right? We can take the horses and ride to the big city and become Stock Market wonder kids. We’d be rich!”

KaZaA!” Dick exclaimed in excited wonderment, “That sounds great! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself. Let’s go, right now!”

With that, Pamela took Dick in hand and led him to the barn where they saddled up the horses, grabbed their favorite pussy cat and rode off together to make a name for themselves in Magical New York. Their horrible aunt and her daughters never discovered where the two youngsters had disappeared to, and lived the rest of their wretched lives in abject poverty as perverted crack whores giving away free sex in exchange for food.

The End.

PhotoBloggery 02
Love Letter From An Old Friend

Twinkie The KidDearest GeekMan,

I don’t know how to talk to you anymore, it feels like we haven’t really communicated in a long, long time, so I’m writing you this letter in the hopes of getting through to you so we can give us another chance. I know we haven’t seen eye to eye lately, but I don’t want what we’ve had through the years to come to an end without at least trying to work things out between us. I miss you so much it hurts.

Don’t you love me anymore?

When we were together things seemed so good. Now that we’re apart, why does everything feel so bad? I was your comfort zone, your best friend and your moral support all rolled into one tasty, cream-filled, edible, golden phallic symbol. Without me, lunch back in the fourth grade was a disaster. You used to hold me and tell me how much you loved me, and you never cared who knew. You used to savor being with me, spending time with me, and when I wasn’t there you missed me with every fiber of your being until the moment we were together again.

Where has the love gone?

I miss you terribly GeekMan, and every moment we’re apart I feel like I’m expiring. I know that you’re trying to find something to replace that empty feeling deep inside you, that vacant space that I used to fill. But we both know that while they may treat you better, be healthier for you or impress your friends, those others will never be as good to you as I was. Give me another chance to make you feel good and I promise you won’t regret it.

Not like last time.

Give me just one more chance and I swear things will be different. I won’t call out to you before breakfast or try to tempt you after a workout ever again. And I swear, I’ll never again wake you up in the middle of the night and make you sit on the toilet for hours and hours calling out to the gods above to strike you down and end the pain. Please GeekMan, I miss you so much and I know, somewhere deep inside, you miss me too. Just give me this one chance to make it all up to you and I promise you won’t regret it.

Yours, now and forevermore,

Twinkie The Kid

PhotoBloggery. Take a picture. Write a story. Post the results.

Universal Punching Bag

This is not a good day.

It all began this morning when, at 8:45am, I was rudely awakened by the sounds of a lawnmower outside my bedroom window. This was quickly followed by loud and boisterous conversations held by the people doing the yard work in the back of my apartment building. This all wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that my backyard is a parking lot and the grass they were so diligently mowing was only eight feet square. Of course, when they were done mowing they had to break out the big, obnoxiously loud, hot air blower.

And the hedge trimmer. We must not forget the horrid hedge trimmer.

After numerous attempts to ignore the noise and recapture my quickly evaporating dream of decadent sexual fulfillment, I decided to get up and eat some breakfast. As I walked from my bedroom to the kitchen I somehow managed to stub my toe, knock my elbow right in the funny bone and then, as I was trying to rub both my elbow and my toe at the same time while walking to the kitchen, I hit my head on a doorknob.

Oh sure, it sounds funny now

After cursing the door, myself and the world in general, I managed to make it to the kitchen without further incident. Once there, I decided to have some Frosted Flakes for breakfast and got a bowl from the cupboard and the milk out of the fridge. It was at this point that my world came crashing down around my ears as the universe pointed its immensely huge, yet somehow stubby, finger at me and laughed.

You see, I began pouring the milk into the bowl before putting in the cereal.

As any cereal connoisseur can attest, pouring milk into the bowl first is completely against the natural order of things. It’s like trying to put on your socks before putting on your underwear, it simply isn’t done in polite society. For some unfathomable reason however, I didn’t notice until I began pouring the cereal into the bowl and perhaps four flakes made it in and the rest spilled over onto the counter. It was at that point that I should have just cursed the heavens above, poured the whole mess down the toilet and gone back to bed until Saturday. But no, shrugging to myself in a martyr-like fashion I decided to sweep the cereal into the bowl, pushing the flakes down with the back of my spoon as necessary, and eat my breakfast. I know it was against the rules, and I knew I was defying nature, but I figured cereal is cereal and anyway, what’s the worst that could happen?

And so, now I’ve got a cut on my tongue.

The Reason Why I Have No Life

The time is 3:24am. The place, GeekMan’s living room. The only light is coming from the TV which is showing a vast, computer generated battleground. Two figures sit motionless in front of the TV except for their hands, which are furiously pounding on two Ex-Boxx controller pads.

[GeekMan dies as Bread’s Shotgun blows a hole in his chest]


“Hey Bub, aren’t you tired?”

“No way, Bread. You’re not getting away that easily.”

“What are you talking about, dorkface? We’ve been playing Halo for the last nine hours and I’m getting a little tired of kicking your behind. I just figured you might want to take a break. You know, for food, or sleep maybe.”

“I’m not tired. I want to keep playing until I win.”

“How are you going to win when I keep doing this?”

[GeekMan dies as Bread tags him with a grenade]


“Give it up, Nerdboy. You’re never going to win, I’m just too good for you. You haven’t even killed me yet.”

“I did too kill you! What about game 23 when I blew you up?”

“Blew me up?!? Get real, King Loser. I shot you with the rocket launcher and after you died I accidentally shot the rock I was standing behind. Suicide doesn’t count as a kill.”

“It does too count! And the only reason I’m not doing well is this stupid controller, ok? It keeps moving.”

“It’s supposed to do that you idiot. That’s why they call it a ‘Force Feedback’ controller. It vibrates when certain things happen in the game.”



“Heh, I know a few girls who…”

“Shut up. You’re such a pathetic Geek you probably believe you’re the first person to think of that.”

“Well, maybe I am! Did you think of that, Mr. Smartypants?”

“Nope. Are you sure you’re not hungry?”


“Because you’re about to eat a rocket.”

[GeekMan is blown up by Bread’s rocket launcher]


“Tell me something, Bub. Is losing hard? Because you make it look so easy.”

“Keep laughing, you bastard. Just you wait till I re-spawn.”

“That’s what, 416 kills for me and a big, tasty donut hole for you? Don’t you want to call it quits?”

“It’s just not fair! I’ve only got the stupid Needler and you found a rocket launcher. The Needler sucks!”

“That’s good, because you suck, too.”

“That’s not funny. I know! How about in the next game you get the plasma pistol and I get the rocket launcher?”

“Good lord, you really are the worst loser in the history of gaming.”

“Just because you’ve played the game more than me doesn’t mean I’m a loser! I know I can beat you, I just need some time to practice.”

“Practice? Practice?!? I’m a piece of bread you moron! I don’t even have thumbs!”

“Well maybe that’s why you’re winning. I’ve heard that having no thumbs is an advantage in Halo. All the real pro’s break their thumbs off just to have an edge during competition.”

[uncomfortable silence]

“You don’t honestly expect me to believe that, do you?”

“How else would you explain it then? I’m losing a video game to my imaginary friend!”

“I am not your friend! You take that back!”

“Imaginary antagonist then! Does that make you feel better you big, ugly, stupid poopyface?”

“No. But this will.”

[GeekMan is shot in the head by Bread’s Sniper Rifle]


And Now For Something Completely Different

A while ago I joined a project called the Naked Novel. Today, I posted my chapter (#7) of the ongoing story for all the world to read. You can read it, and all the previous chapters here, but be warned. This story is definitely not funny and might not be appropriate for anyone under the age of ‘Mature’.

Read it at your own risk.

PhotoBloggery #01
Strike A Pose, There’s Nothing To It

Who's a sexy beeyatch?  Yeah, baby!  That's right, I am.  I'm a sexy beeyatch!  Grrrrrr!It’s worse than it looks.

Oh yes, I know you’re thinking that it can’t be that bad. That I couldn’t possibly be that stupid, that naïve or that desperate. But it is true, my disgusted visitor. That is me in the picture and although you’re not having some horrible nightmare now, after seeing this picture you may never sleep again.

The GeekMan was once a wannabe model.

Sure, it started innocently enough. A few friends, some new clothes and a runway made of discarded cardboard from the breakdancers down the street. But soon my little hobby escalated into a full fledged obsession and I felt a burning desire to strut my stuff in front of the paparazzi in France and not my friends and their cheap Polaroid cameras in the living room. It was at this point that I crossed the line from ‘pathetic loser’ to ‘walking bully target’.

Can you believe I actually begged to take modeling classes?

My mother, after legally disowning me, brought me to the one place that she thought could possibly frighten me out of my insanity. The one place that has never had any credibility in the legitimate modeling world. The one modeling school that is responsible for more deaths and/or mutilations of young models hopes and dreams than all the Star Search and Pop Idol judges ever born put together.

Yes, dear reader. I was a Barbizon model.

My short tenure at Barbizon taught me many things. Things like, “Always let your face air dry because towels carry germs and germs cause blemishes and blemishes kill careers.” Just looking at my picture you can see all the little tidbits of wisdom that I gleaned from my instructors working together to help me become the biggest, best and most perfect stupid, Geeky loser I could be.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the highlights, shall we?

The Hair

After months of my instructors’ help and guidance, I had finally decided on what I must have thought was the perfect hairstyle for me to begin my modeling career. Doesn’t it look like I’m wearing a giant, hairy scrotum on my head like a hat? I can only imagine that as I put my brush to my head I said the magic phrase, “Wonderbrush powers, activate! Form of Testicles! Shape of Flaccid Penis!”

The Smile

Braces. Puberty. Need I say more?

The Shirt

You can’t read it in the picture, but the tag on the pocket reads, “News Staff.” Hey, GeekBoy! News flash! Wearing a striped, button-down shirt open to the third button when you have no hair on your chest, or even any chest to speak of, is a Very Bad Thing. Men laugh, women giggle and small children cry. Bad GeekBoy, no Dungeons and Dragons for you!

The Pants

Bright, bright, BRIGHT neon blue Dockers. Just answer one question for me, how the hell was I allowed to live after being seen in public wearing those horrid things? What’s the problem, were the fashion police all home sick that day? Were my instructors struck so dumb by my amazing lack of fashion sense that they became frozen on the spot and thus unable to club me to death like a baby seal? Neon blue pants, people! Come on!

The Footwear

White socks and black leather Reeboks. I want to say something here, but the amount of disgust I feel towards myself is causing my anus to clench so tightly that I think it’s formed its own gravitational pull not unlike a collapsed neutron star.

The Pose

Total JC Penny Summer Catalogue. If I could do it, I’d go back in time and kick my own ass and save the schoolyard bullies the time and effort. I believe the photographer said something like, “Show me your fun side, GeekBoy. Let me see the real you. The whole package.” And if you look close, you can almost see my ‘whole package’. Oh, ha freaking ha, wise guy. I said, ‘almost’, so you can put down the damn magnifying glass cause I don’t think you’re funny.

For those of you who might still be reading this and not vomiting all over the keyboard you’ll be happy to know that I quit Barbizon as soon as I realized that I was far too ugly to ever model anything other than paper bags.

And even then the bags might need to be on fire.

The Idea

I remember now.

I’m going to try to do something new on this site and all of you are welcome to participate. Or, you can be lazy and just reap the fruits of my creative genius as I bare my soul to the uncaring world.

Because I’m all that and a bag of Juicy-Fruit.

Anywaste, here’s my great, big, fat, stupid idea. I want to stir my creative juices in a new and exciting way and, since I consider myself more of a storyteller than a true Blogger, I came up with a way to do it. There are only three steps involved and everyone’s invited to play along. The only things you need are a brain, a Blog and a camera.

Actually, the brain is optional.

  1. Take A Picture

    That’s right. You can take a picture of anything, your big toe, an old hat, yourself, a kitten, your favorite lint sculpture, or whatever. In fact, you can even scan in an old photograph and use that as your picture. Or just open PhotoShop and create a new piece of art. It doesn’t really matter as long as it’s a picture of some sort.

  2. Write A Story

    This is the part that really gets my nipples all crinkly and starts my creative juices flowing. Using the picture as a starting point, write something. What you write can be poetry or prose, fact or fiction and can be about the picture itself, the subject(s) in the picture or even how, where or why the picture was taken. This should be a story and not a caption, so try to write at least 250 words. That’s just a guideline, of course, but 250 words isn’t really all that much, and personally I expect to be writing my usual 1,000+. What? Because I’m a big, stupid loser, that’s why.

  3. Post It

    Now post that bad boy and watch as your visitor count goes through the roof*!

    *This statement is in no way, shape or form to be construed as a guarantee of any kind.

    In truth, the author is merely talking out of his anus in the hopes that someone else will actually try this experiment with him.

    The author is a recognized leader in the ‘Please Like Me. Oh god, Please Like Me.’ field and is the head Professor of the Department of Needy Friendless Beggars at the University of Geeky Losers located at Nerdsville, USA.

    Pity him and he will latch onto you like a rabid, starving leech.

I’ve decided to make this Sunday my first day for this… uh, PhotoBloggery experiment. This is a once a week type thing, so choose your day with care.

I chose Sunday night for myself because… well, what else do I have to do on a Sunday? Eat bunt cake?

And to entice you all to come back (because lord knows I can’t afford to lose any visitors whatsoever) I’ll let you in on a little secret; the first picture will be a picture of me! Hey, where’s everyone going…?

PhotoBloggery? What a lame and stupid name. I suck.

Memories of Ghosts of Shadows of Thoughts Past

I had an idea.

It was a good idea, brilliant actually, and I was excited enough about it to get up from my Comfy Couch of Super Sleep to write it down so I wouldn’t forget it. I know I walked over to the kitchen table to find a pen and, when that proved fruitless, I distinctly remember thinking that turning on the computer would take too long and so I kept looking for a pen.

Because, I had an idea.

I knew this idea was going to be important to me later on in life and if I didn’t at least write it down somewhere I’d regret it for as long as I lived. I walked into my home office where I found a pen but for some reason or another decided that putting my idea into the computer was better than simply writing it down. So, I turned on my computer and waited for it to boot up.

And still, I had an idea.

While I was waiting, my mind got to thinking about all the money and fame I would garner because of this wonderful idea. I began thinking of all the things my newfound fame and fortune could buy me. Things like fast cars, expensive mansions, Britney Spears’ ‘virginity’ and even computer equipment that would make Bill Gates green with envy. By the time my computer was ready I was singing ‘Money Makes The World Go Round’ and trying to figure out the after-tax interest I could earn on a gazillion dollars.

All because I had an idea.

When MS Word finally popped up and I came face to screen with that completely empty white space, my mind froze. Somehow, in a way that can only be explained using complex quantum-mechanical equations, experimental psychoanalytical procedures and a full color, animated PowerPoint presentation utilizing at least one instance of the ‘applause’ sound effect, I had lost my train of thought.

Suddenly, I had no idea.

My idea, the one that could change my life to such an extreme that all the girls I ever liked in my entire life would find their way to my front door and beg me to make James Bond-style love to them, was gone. And as I sit here writing this entry, I cannot for the life of me remember anything about my great idea. I think it might have packed its bags, put on its coat and hat and snuck out of my right ear to pursue an acting career and now I am left with nothing but a vague recollection of someone saying something on some channel on TV that made something in my head sit up and take notice.

It may have involved helicopters. And Gummi Worms. I think. Damn.

I had an idea.

10 Embarrassing Things I Have Done In A Movie Theater

  • Made the entire theater do the Macarena
  • While on a date, spilled a full, giant-sized cup of soda on my shoes and, as I leaned down to pick up the cup, somehow managed to dump an entire super-sized bag of popcorn on the back of my head
  • Started a massive 500+ person sing-a-long to Billy Joel’s ‘Piano Man’
  • Made out on the balcony during a G rated Disney movie (I still feel dirty)
  • Fallen into a deep, loud, snore inducing sleep because the theater was air-conditioned and my apartment wasn’t
  • Dressed in drag, danced and sung along to the movie
  • Eaten a full meal consisting of a whole fried chicken, potatoes, green beans and a large soda and shared it with the stranger who was the only other person watching the movie with me
  • Gotten into a screaming match with the projectionist
  • After paying for my ticket, waited in the lobby because I was too scared to watch the movie (I was 10)
  • Attempted to be cool and impress a girl with my studly Fonzie-ness by jumping seats to get from my row to hers so I could ask her on a date and instead tripped and fell face first into her mini-skirt covered lap

My god, I am such a loser.

Paybacks Stink

I didn’t want to talk to him.

In any other situation, at any other time, I wouldn’t have. I didn’t know him, he didn’t know me and neither of us ever expected to meet again in the future. But since I was standing behind him while waiting to use the men’s room at the restaurant, and I had made the mistake of making eye contact, manly etiquette demanded at least a token attempt at conversation.

Heaving a mighty sigh in my mind, I fired the first salvo.

“Hot day.”


“Mmm, mmm.”

And that should have been it. We should have just looked at each other for an awkward moment and then gone about our pathetic lives as if that conversation had never happened. But, in what I can only assume was a desperate attempt to escape from my presence, he smiled at me, walked over to the bathroom door and jiggled the handle!

What the…?

I was flabbergasted. Apparently, even though I had only spoken two words to him thus far, he had already determined that I was so terminally boring that he needed to get away from me or he would die. He was even willing to disturb whoever was in the bathroom to do it. I’m surprised he didn’t begin banging on the door and shouting, “Hurry up! I’ve got to go peepee and this guy scares me!”

His uncouth actions demanded a response.

“Been waiting long?”

“A couple of minutes now.”

“Gotta go pretty bad, huh?”

“Oh… uh, yeah.”

At that point, just as I was ready to get all Columbo on his ass, the door opened and a young female came out of the bathroom. Remember, this was a bathroom in a nice restaurant and even though I know that sometimes it’s necessary to cross gender lines in public facilities, neither of us were prepared to see a girl come out of the men’s room when the women’s room was right next door.

Especially when it was vacant and we were waiting in line.

As she walked past the guy ahead of me, I saw a look of repulsion cross his face. I remember thinking to myself that the women’s room might have been occupied earlier and that just because she was using the men’s room was no reason for this guy to act that way. I mean, it might be a social faux pas, but that certainly wasn’t any reason to look at her as if she were Quasimodo’s ugly step-sister.

At least, that’s what I thought until the smell hit me.

Now, I guess on some intellectual level I’ve always understood that women must have smelly poo. And sometimes, when they’re not feeling well or something, I’m sure their poo can smell as bad as mine after a night of eating my infamous Nuclear Tacos of Gastrointestinal Destruction. But physically and emotionally, I was completely unprepared for the nasal assault that emanated from this poor woman as she passed me in that narrow corridor. My gag reflex was almost overpowering and it was only by reaching down into the depths of my soul that I found the inner strength to hold back my fast-rising, half digested breakfast.

Even still, when I swallowed I could taste eggs.

When I thought it was safe to breath again, I turned back towards the bathroom to wait my turn and found the guy standing in the open doorway. By the slump in his shoulders I could tell he was distraught and defeated by whatever awaited him within. After a moment or two of watching him just stand there I had to know what was holding him back. Looking over his shoulder into the bathroom I let out a low whistle.

“Damn.” I said in disgusted awe, “That is just foul.”

“Yeah,” he replied with revulsion. “I can’t believe she didn’t flush.”

I thought about that for a moment.

“Dude, you jiggled the handle.”

“Oh. Son of a bitch.”

With that, he took a deep breath, squared his shoulders and entered the room. I’ll bet that he never jiggles the handle again for the rest of his life.

I know I won’t.