Where’s GeekMan? III

I’m done.

I can’t keep up this pace, people. I’m not a machine! I’m a human being and I need sleep and food and all sorts of other things to keep me alive and in relatively good mental and emotional health or I’ll go nutso! As it is I’m already I’m losing it! The other day, as I sat on another airplane on my way to/from another city I actually began to believe that there were terrorist weasels sitting in first class demanding free mini-bottles of scotch or they would hijack the plane and make us fly to Jamaica for the International Limbo and Steel Drum Convention.

And I thought that sounded like a good idea!

Hrmph. So, in an totally useless attempt to retain whatever sanity I have left, I’ve decided that I’m going to have to step away from this website until my travel schedule slows down enough for me to spend more than one night in a row at home. For those of you who have not been keeping up, let me just say that although the places I’ve been to, and am going, might sound fun and exotic to you, to me they only sound like no sleep and lots of hard work.

And so, to answer Where’s GeekMan? III… In hell.

Seriously, since May 1st I’ve already been to five cities and by the middle of July, which is when my schedule slows down, I’ll have been to three more. And that’s not taking into account that whenever I am back in NY I’m working at some random hotel or office doing pre-production for the next trip out again. Just to keep you guys occupied for a few moments here’s a list of the places I’ve been and will be in order of my schedule:

  • Home
  • Orlando
  • Puerto Rico
  • New York City
  • Houston, Texas
  • New Jersey
  • New York City
  • Cannes, France
  • New York City
  • Ghana, Africa
  • New York City
  • New Jersey
  • Home

Not to complain, but that’s a hell lot of traveling for two months.

You may have noticed that I mention NYC a lot in that list, well that’s because the companies that hire me have offices there and whenever I’m working for them I usually have to do pre-production at their offices. Sometimes I get to go home at night to see HoBiscuit and sometimes they put me up in a hotel in order to keep my leash on longer so I always remember who’s in charge and don’t get crazy ideas in my WageMonkey head while they sleep.

Like escaping to Jamaica to become a professional limbo-ist.

Anywaste, I’m sorry to tell you that because of my immense workload I’m going to have to stop writing my funny stories here for a while. I know, I know, “Since when have you written something funny? Haw, haw!” Well, I guess I deserve that since I’ve been pretty sporadic for the last month or so. But I promise that when I return in July I will once again be writing something funny (or at least something I think is funny) every weekday, just like old times.

I might also be debuting a new look. If I’m lucky.

I will try to write in here every chance I get; it’s not as if I’m going to just disappear off the face of the earth for a month you know. I just can’t promise to do it on any sort of regular schedule. So check back here every day and maybe, just maybe, there’ll be something here to make you laugh.

And if there isn’t… who cares?! I’m going to Cannes and Ghana! WooHoo!


  1. What about begging? Would it bring you back if I threw dignity to the wind, groveled and begged you to keep writing on a regular basis? Big, boogery sobs and pleadings?

  2. France? Expect spit & sweat in your food. :P Ask for an order of Freedom Fries while youre there, too..

    Dont mess with mister G.. he is the limbo master. Ive seen it.. it aint pretty.

  3. Sounds like my travels in the last 2 months

    New York
    New York
    West Virginia
    Long Island

    At least I get massive hotel and airline points so my vacations are free. Damnit, though, I want to go to Cannes!!

  4. i care! and im sure everyone else does 2! we will miss you tons u have to write in here loadz when you come back to make up for it anywaste have fun traviling!

  5. well, i hope you have safe travels. i’ll be coming back looking for updates. i hope you have some sort of fun, after all, some of those are wonderful destinations!

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