Wandering Fool

Or; The GeekMan Cometh.

I’m headed down to Orlando Florida this Sunday where I will hopefully have time to once again cause great destruction and mayhem throughout the city with my Blogging cohort Solonor The Moderately Dangerous Man-Ferret.

He’s got a utility belt and everything.

So, should you live in or near the home of a certain anal retentive mouse with a high-pitched voice, you are cordially invited to have dinner with the Geek and the… uh, Solonor which should make for an entertaining evening since Solonor truly does take after his name. And, as everyone knows, Solonor is Lilliputian for “Not of the Sun” which of course is the exact wording used by Nostradingus to describe Satan.

Anywaste, I’ll be back Wednesday. If Solonor doesn’t kill me, that is.


  1. Pingback: Solonor's Ink Well
  2. GeekMan lived! Oh happy day.

    Or Solonor has hacked into his blog server and posted false Aunt Vodka-slanderous Passover tales to throw us off the trail ’til he has time to dispose of the body! (Those man-ferr… men-fer… Solonorses are tricky, you know.)

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