Viva Las Vegas

I’m a gambling Geek, I am.

Some of you might be wondering to yourselves, “Self, just what in tarnation is GeekMan doing in Las Vegas?” Well, let me fill you in. You see, on Friday afternoon at about 2pm I received a call from an on-again/off-again client of mine who needed a little help with a project. Since I just happened to have nothing to do for the next few days, I heartily agreed to earn some cash and help them out of their predicament. As soon as I said yes though, they told me to start packing.

Son of a…

“Wait a second. I thought this was a small job that you just needed a backup artist for?”
“Well, GeekMan, we may have understated the problem a little bit.”
“Oh crap. How much trouble am I in?”
“What?! That bad?”
“Ahem. The thing is we need you to fly to Vegas. Ummm, immediately.”

To say I was less than pleased would have been a massive understatement.

“Holy llamas in pajamas! Vegas? Well, at least I might be able to do some gambling…”
“Probably not. We expect that even with your help we’ll be working 18 hours a day to get this thing off the ground.”

Son of a…

So now, here I am in Vegas. I’d say it was nice out, but I really wouldn’t know. I’ve been here for three days and I haven’t seen the sun, the moon or even a craps table yet. I’ve been worked like a dog, no… I take that back. I’ve actually been worked like a starving, rabid, one-legged sled dog fleeing a polar bear in Antarctica and I still don’t know what my hotel room looks like besides a vague imprint of a raised, circular bathtub in the middle of the room and a large, if uncomfortable, bed. Oh, and there are mirrors above the bed.

Mirrors. Above the bed. Ye gods, it’s just like hell, only seedier.


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