
I can hold my peace no longer.

Today I need to say something on my very public website for the whole world to see that may not make sense to everyone, but for those of us who travel a lot, and I mean a whole lot, it will have a very deep and profound meaning. And what I have to say is this; Airports suck ass.

Giant. Puckering. Infected. Ass.


  1. Yes they do…unless you’re a silver medallion platinum gold uber elite frequent flier that spends more time in the air than some pilots. Then you have access to the ultra-secret lair that is the first class lounge. It’s gotten so bad lately, I hear it’s like the stone cutters where you need a special ring and a handshake along with your first class ticket, member card, and 5 forms of ID (3 of them picture IDs) to get in.

    I saw inside once, over the shoulder of someone as they were escaping the coach class minions in the terminal waiting area. It was almost like sneaking a look past the pearly gates…heaven!

  2. lol i agree airports totally suc they smell and the ques go on 4eva plus half the time you can hear the constant chattering in about 12 different languages all of wich you cant understand!

  3. Honestly, It’s been so long since I was in an airport for anything other than work that I can’t conciously remember what the inside of one really looks like…It’s like the people who were acquaintences in high school…you have a general idea of who they were but not quite what they looked like. They all start to blend together into one rushing blur…

    yeah, you’re right, they suck

  4. Yeah, I know. Majorly. Especially when you’re seeing millions of people off but never actually getting on a plane yourself.

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