Top 10 Reasons Why I’d Make A Great Gay Man

  1. I have memorized, and can actually perform, every dance move from Pat Benatar’s ‘Love Is A Battlefield’ video.
  2. As a young man I once did the penis-between-the-legs ‘what if’ thing and let me tell you, I looked H-O-T HOT!
  3. I sing show tunes and Erasure songs in the shower.
  4. I know when and how to correctly use the phrase, “Oh honey, you look fabulous!”
  5. I get the Sunday NY Times for the circulars and the fashion section.
  6. It takes me longer to get ready to go out to dinner than any woman I know.
  7. I actually enjoy going to outlet malls. Even the ones without a Best Buy, Software Etc. or Sony store.
  8. I can tell the difference between fuchsia and magenta colored throw pillows.
  9. As a teenager I owned and read every Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew book written. Yeah, even the crossover books.
  10. I love watching Trading Spaces and on TLC. I’m just waiting for the day Vern jumps Ty. Yeah, Baby! YEAH!


  1. Trading Spaces blows. The original BBC Changing Rooms is better. Of course, any show remade in America based off a BBC show will blow.

  2. Not only would you make a great gay man, but you’d make a perfect partner for my friend M. who, himself is a great gay man. I’m sending him on over to your place, k?

  3. I guess it really all depends on what neighborhood you live in.

    The men in my building are more likely to know the stats for any NFL football team than the difference between magenta and fuschia.

    They would be more likely to know how to use the phrase “Dude, I just benched 300” than “oh, honey, you look fabulous.”

    While many of them have probably done the penis between the legs, I imagine so have 99% of the other men in the world….Though these men are about as likely to cut theirs off as would you…they like’em.

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