TMG Alpha Relaunch v0.6a

So, I’ve been thinking…

This here website, The Mighty Geek, used to be a place where I’d write humorously about things that had happened, or were happening, in my life for the amusement of myself and a select few readers who came by to mock me. After such a long hiatus though, I’ve gotten to thinking that maybe I can do better than just making you laugh at my stupidity.

Maybe I can teach you something.

I’ve been told by people (and no, not just the one’s in my head) that I know a thing or three about stuff and maybe, just maybe, I should share some of that knowledge with the world at large. Of course, I’d try my best to make the actual information as funny as I could, but the main point is that, as a website, The Mighty Geek could entertain as well as edjumacate.

Wait, I think there’s supposed to be a “k” in that word…

So, what I’d like to know is if you, the three readers I still have left after my prolonged break, would enjoy not just hearing funny stories, but also learning something when you read this site. I’m thinking of starting off easy, with a article every week or so about something I enjoy or am curious about. Things like; graphic design, politics, computer maintenance, photography, personal finance, science, books, movies or any number of other subjects that catch my fancy. Keep in mind that these edjukatuhnal articles would be in addition to my normal humorous stories, so don’t think I’m giving up my normal idiocy or anything. I’m just thinking that it might be nice to have something a little more substantial to say every now and again.

You know, important things. Things like, “I’m going to be a daddy.


  1. The 5th sign of the Apocalypse is upon us.

    Convincing such a nice girl as Hobiscuit to allow you to use her uterus for an experiment in cloning is also the last step in your super villain training.

    Congratulations on all fronts!

  2. I’m sending the baby a plane ticket, so as soon as she needs a break from BREAD, she’ll have a place to go.

    Fantastic news, a MIGHTY congratulations to all of you.

  3. Now that BabyG is on the way, perhaps your reader can help with the child-rearing headed your way by posting helpful tips. Things like “How to Pretend You’re Too Busy to Change the Baby’s Diaper” or if that fails, “Breathing Through Your Mouth to Avoid Pooty”. Baby food is really REALLY good, I swear!

  4. Many congrats!! As the father of a two year old myself I can definently tell you you’ll have no lack of interesting experiences to share in the future. All the best!

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