The Missing Link

Mmmm, tastes just like chicken.

Not only did this idiot cut off his one-eyed wonder worm with his own hand, but he even managed to ignore the immense pain of self mutilation long enough to fry it up and eat it!

Now what’s he gonna do when he needs to pee? Swallow a sponge?

At this point most people would leave this story alone and move on, but not me. That’s because I’ve got a question running through my head that’s driving me crazy. You see, I’m wondering if this schmuck sat down at the table and used a knife and fork to eat his tallywacker, or if he ate it out of the frying pan over the sink like a real man?

You know, in his wife-beater and tighty whities reddies.

And what spices does one use in preparing a sexual organ for consumption? I’m sure there’s salt, pepper and garlic in there, but what about paprika and thyme? Also, what does one serve with schlong? Peas and carrots? Chickpea melody? Homefries? What?

Dammit, this is going to keep me up at night. I can tell.


  1. Thanks to Paulie for sending me this link and ruining my breakfast for the next several millennia.

  2. Ugh! That’s not what George meant by “Sausage time!”

    (Sorry. Black Adder reference. None but the truly hip will get it.)

  3. Great, now I’m not going to sleep either. I think if I was preparing THAT meal, I’d have servec it up with a nice Pesto sauce and some fava beans.

  4. “A MALAYSIAN man sliced off his own penis, then fried and ate it after taking hallucinatory pills that caused him to hear voices urging him to mutilate himself”

    …drugs are BAD.

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