The Mighty Catastrophe

Monday was a bad day.

After writing my last post about beating the poop out of my nieces and nephews I realized that someone had been trying to hack this website through Moveable Type. Thinking that I was a clever man for discovering their clumsy attempts to hijack my virtual home, I immediately changed my password to a much stronger one and laughed at their folly as I hit the enter key.

Ten minutes later and I was no longer laughing.

The fact was that I was crying and cursing and sweating bullets as MT refused to let me back into the system, complaining to me that my user name and password were invalid. Fearing that I would lose over three years of writing due to a stupid glitch in MT, I did what any self respecting Geek would do…

I threw my keyboard at the wall and cursed the heavens above.

A few hours later, after taking a nice calming walk around my neighborhood looking for a bell tower or a book depository, I sat down and tried to hack my way into MT. Luckily for me and the young children playing in the park down the street, I found the problem and managed to get back in without losing a single entry. And what did I do to celebrate? Why, I took yesterday off and watched more anime, of course.

Hot damn, I LOVE being a Geek.


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