The Market is Rumors Isn’t What it Used to Be

The GeekMan may make himself known this coming week, so this could be my last chance to hijack his weblog.

First and foremost:

Five-Year Old Goddaughter: Hi Auntie Jill, will you come over today? I’m not really sick.

JadedJu: Not really sick? What does that mean?

Goddaughter: Weeeeeeell, I threw up before, but I’m really okay now! You can come over!

JadedJu: So you’re all better?

Goddaugher: Yes! I’m all better! I’m only…ummmmm…[long pause] 1/8th sick now!

JadedJu: Excellent, because my absolute limit on exposure is 1/4th. I’ll be right over.

Second of all:

There is no second of all. It rained this morning, the first such weather in many months. On a freeway on-ramp, driving slowly in accordance with the conditions, I momentarily lost control of the car, fishtailing right and then left. I’m pleased to report that I had both hands on the steering wheel at the moment of occurence, and was therefore able to regain control without incident. This is only worth reporting because it is so rare for me to have both hands anywhere near the wheel. Just moments earlier I had been holding the newspaper in one hand, reading headlines while driving. Before scanning the paper I had placed a few calls on my cell phone. You might not be surprised to hear that I’m often drinking some iced decaf coffee or diet gingerale while I’m reading, gabbing with friends, and just incidently, driving.* The events this morning chastened me, however. I kept both hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road, and I’m happy to report that the rest of the trip was completed without incident.

I proud to report that I waited until the return trip to place any more phone calls and finish reading the paper.

*I totally hate, HATE, people that drive like this.