Thar’ She Blows

It be Talk Like A Pirate Day, me maties.

This be arrrrguably, th’ most important date on me calendarrrr. ‘Side me weddin’ t’ me lovely lass, o’course. An’ th’ birth o me darlin’ baby girlie. An’ p’raps th’ time aye found me a shiny new silver pence just lyin’ thar in th’ middle of th’ street jus’ when me ole stomach were grumblin’ fer a bit o Miss O’Shaney’s tasty arrrrrtichoke salad. But never ye mind all that bilge, jus’ ‘member th’ bit that be important. This here be Talk Like A Pirate Day, so when yer at yer office or in yer class or out with yer friends, throw three sheets to th’ wind and talk like a pirate! Yer maties will laugh and join in th’ fun, fer that’s what maties do. And those which don’t give a hearty what for when ye squint one eye, strike a sword-fightin’ pose and go “Arrrr!” in th’ middle o’ th’ comp’ny meeting?

Keelhaul them and plunder their cubicals! ARRRRR!

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