Summer Camp I

Heidi was my girl.

Well, she wasn’t really my girl, especially since she was 18 and I was only 11, but still, she thought I was cute and didn’t flee my presence like all the other girls in camp. Plus, she was the counselor for Girls Bunk 5 which was the camps’ group of 15 year old girls, all of whom had boobies, so when I visited her I might get lucky and see some cute girl in her bra. However, contrary to popular camp lore, I never once witnessed one of the infamous lingerie pillow fights all the boys in camp just knew the girls had every night. I could only conclude they were controlling their base nature until I left for fear of warping my young and impressionable mind.

Damn their good intentions.

Where was I? Oh yes, boobies. Heidi, who wasn’t beautiful but definitely good looking, had the largest boobies in camp. They were giant, fleshy protrusions that caught the eye and imagination of every boy and man in camp every time she wore her one-piece bathing suit at the pool. I was the luckiest guy in camp because she would always come over to me to talk and find out how I was doing. On days that the pool water was especially cold, I would do my best to be lying on my back as she approached, so that when she leaned over to talk I could see the outline of her nipples without seeming to stare.

I was a sneaky bastard, even back then.

Well, all of my boobilicious good fortune came to an end one unfortunate day when Heidi, her Bunk and I were sitting in the camp meeting hall doing some kind of mindless activity meant to keep the campers occupied until lunch. I was sitting next to Heidi, minding my own business while she talked to some of the kids in her group, when the thought occurred to me that it might be nice to put my arm around her. Reaching out, I gently and nonchalantly placed my arm over her shoulders and let it rest there for a moment to gauge her reaction.

She didn’t seem to notice.

That indifference was all the encouragement a little Geek like me needed. Letting my hand rest on her shoulder while my fingers lightly stroked her the way I had seen it done in movies, I was living large and loving every minute of it. I let my mind wander as I stroked Heidi’s soft shoulder and dreamt of the fame and acclaim that was going to come my way when I told the other kids in my Bunk that I had put my arms around Heidi and she hadn’t hit me or screamed or anything. It couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds before I realized that Heidi wasn’t talking to her group anymore and that the entire place had gone real silent. Turning my head towards Heidi I found her looking straight at me with a very amused look in her eyes. Wondering what was wrong; I gave her shoulder another squeeze and raised a quizzical eyebrow. Barely holding back her laughter, she simply looked down at her chest…

Where my hand was fondling her boobie in front of the entire world.

Heidi, bless her heart, just smiled as I yanked my arm from her shoulders and stammered apologies; my face going redder than the sun. I guess she knew that I was harmless, that I would never have touched her boobies without permission, because she simply laughed the whole thing off, telling me that as long as I never did it again it was alright.

The girls of Bunk 5 however, were not so easily appeased.

From that day until the end of summer, I was the camp pervert. I became the Geeky boy who had dared to touch the biggest boobies in camp. The other boys thought I was the coolest guy around but most of the girls younger than me thought I was a perverted sick-o and would laugh at me whenever I came near them. The older girls though, they seemed to be intrigued by my daring, bad-boy charm. I had been with an older woman, a woman with boobies that all the other girls in camp wished they had and that made me desirable.

So, thanks to an innocent mistake, at eleven years of age I became the camp stud.

A few of the older girls however, those who were 13, 14, even 15 years old began seeking me out to ask me to be their boyfriends. If I said yes, they let me see and touch their boobies but only so long as I did it the same way I did it to Heidi. I guess they all wanted to feel grown up or something, but frankly, I didn’t care so long as I got boobie. And Heidi? She seemed to love the fact that all these girls wanted to be with me. She would say things like, “Just you girls remember who saw him first!” And all the girls would giggle while the boys high-fived and asked me how I got so lucky.

Heidi, wherever you are, this boobie freak Geek thanks you.

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