Seething Hatred

I hate Mirna.

I’m not exactly sure why I hate her as much as I do, especially since I am not the kind of person who actually believes that the way people seem on TV are the way they are in real life, but… well, I still hate her. I mean, for some odd reason everything about her annoys the hell out of me. Her voice, her face, her whining, her general attitude, everything about her just makes me want to grab a fistful of wet noodles and slap her silly. I especially want to smack her with a cod fish whenever she manages to cajole some clueless pedestrian into helping her when she would otherwise fail in the tasks set before her.

Like the whole meat-carrying fiasco.

One of the tasks set before the contestants was that they had to carry a gigantic hunk of raw beef from one butcher shop to another shop about one mile away. Now, I enjoy meat as much as the next guy, but when the hunk of meat is raw, weighs about 100lbs., and needs to be carried a long distance in the hot sun by hand then I can sympathize with whoever the poor schmo is who’s carrying it. However, I have no sympathy at all for whiners who depend on other people to do things for them instead of doing it for themselves.

Which brings me back to Mirna.

You see, instead of carrying the beef to the butcher herself, Mirna first cried to her partner Charna, who is a midget mind you, until she attempted to carry the beef which was bigger than her! When that proved too difficult for the small one, instead of picking up the beef herself, Mirna cried to strangers on the street until she managed to find a guy dumb enough to carry it FOR her! Then, and this is the real kicker, she got mad at the world because, “Nobody would help us find the butcher shop.” and they walked three blocks out of their way.

I swear, if she wins I’m going to cut out her eyes with a spork.


  1. I’m with you up to a point, and the point is this: Charla must win! Little people everywhere demand it!

    What I detest most about Mirna is her yelling at Charla to hurry, run faster,etc. The fact is there is no one, no one, working harder than Charla, and she doesn’t need to be reprimanded by her whiny cousin.

    Obviously I don’t care about this issue at all.

  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN brothah. OMFG I’ve never wanted to reach through the screen and bang someone’s head agianst the glass more. Holy hell she irritates me. And all her whining about the other contestants and how horrible they are – what a manipulater! If she wins, I’ll be right there beside you with the spork man. Urgh.

  3. RU Kidding? She’s Da BOMB! I love it when, while she’s egging poor Lil’ Charna on, she’s more concern about her hair, getting mad cow disease and wanting to hug what’s-his-name, the host of AR5. No other team has the ‘nads tell the ticket reservation hostess that they need to get on the flight because Charna has to see a “doctoro”. They complement (check that, use) each other very well, much like Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Bang and Olufsen, Hot and Cold, of course, Jessica and Nick.

  4. *LOL* I was just about to say I hate Mima too… until I realised that you weren’t talking about my grandmother.

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