Return Of The Geek

Break out the fermented grape juice because GeekMan is back!

The cable guy showed up this morning and proclaimed my cable modem to be ‘Deader than Milli Vanilli’s ‘98 comeback tour.’ Laughing to himself at his own joke, he replaced my defective modem with a brand-spanking new modem that miraculously worked perfectly from the moment he plugged it in.

I could have kissed him.

So, now that I have the internet again, I’ve decided to spend the day catching up on my favorite pr0n Blog sites. Tomorrow I’ll return to my usual wackiness, but for today I think I’ll just enjoy the freedom of unlimited access to boobies illegal music cracked software educational websites.

OMG! I didn’t know women could really do that with a pony!

[note to self: too truthful. insert p.c., non-offensive witticism instead]


  1. first of all, I didn’t know that 2 writers of the 4 gospels read your blog.

    second, i would have kissed the fellow.

    third, welcome back.

  2. welcome bk u big hunk of a man, iv missed ur recent complants abuot life been a big one!
    so, welcome to my world-its just all too confusing!
    take care n all that

  3. errr……..yeh!
    like watever….this is the most vauel website i have ever seen in all my life!
    by the way carl, we need more beef!

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