Poor Choices

I must be losing my mind.

Against all common sense and good taste I have decided to go see “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” this evening. I know that it’s going to both suck and blow at the same time, but I just can’t seem to help myself. I normally find Angelina Jolie almost irresistible in a sleazy/scary way and in this movie she’s going to be strutting around the screen wearing a pseudo-airforce uniform and an eyepatch

Woah! Now I need a towel…

Anywaste, I plan on enjoying this horrid little train wreck of a movie if only for helping me take my mind off of the mess the contractor guys are making of my kitchen. I mean, call me crazy (crazy) but if I were working on a job where I had to build and install cabinetry in a kitchen THREE TIMES because my workers never learned how to use a measuring tape, I think I’d kill the workers and use their bodies as wall insulation.

But maybe that’s just me.

*** Update ***

“Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” was actually a decently fun homage to those old 30’s & 40’s sci-fi movies I used to make fun of when I would watch them on late night TV. Oh, there were massive plot holes and horrible acting to be sure, but it didn’t really matter in the end because I thoroughly enjoyed watching Angelina the movie anyway, in spite of the short time Angelina was on screen unbelievably poor writing.

Did I mention the huge plot holes?

Now, some people might spend their valuable time trying to answer deep, penetrating philosophical questions about the movie such as, “What happened to all the robots in the end?” or “With all those people and planes at the base, Sky Captain is the ONLY guy to actually get in a plane when they’re attacked?!” or “Are the laws of physics REALLY suspended when someone hits the water at 100mph in a plane?” but not me. I’m far too busy trying to discover the answer to something much more important to waste my time with those silly questions, namely;

Where the heck can I get an anatomically correct Captain Franky action figure?


  1. Actually, the script is brilliant! BRILLIANT! If it’s great, it will be great. If it sucks, it will be “an homage to those 30’s and 40’s sci-fi movies you used to make fun of”. Either way, it wins!

    Did I mention it was brilliant?

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