Pooped Pup Poopey

Trixie is making me tired.

It’s 12:30am Wednesday morning and I can’t go to bed because Super-Pup is too busy playing to get into her cate and go to sleep. Which means I can’t go to sleep. Which means I’m awake to write this post informing all of you that I’m awake.

Awake, and grouchy.

I’m so tired I can’t even begin to explain it all except in vague, unhelpful terms. Terms like bone weary, utterly exhausted and zombie-like state all fail to adequately describe to you, dear minion(s), how empty my tank is. If I could, I’d go back in time four days and slap myself silly for even considering adopting a puppy when there was so many other things going on in my life that I was already unable to get more than four hours of sleep a night. Of course, after beating myself up I’d STILL demand that I get the puppy because she’s soooo worth it, but still. If she were any more of a pain in the… Awwww, she just gave me the tilted head, puppy eyed look!

[icy heart melting]

Oh well, at least we’ve already made some progress on the housetraining front. Today she peed and pooped outside three times… on purpose! Of course she peed and pooped INside six times, but I still consider today a big win. Especially when you consider she’s only 3 months old and is scared poopless (literally) of walking down the street. In fact, once she’s house trained I think she’ll be a champion bladder controller, because she took a two hour nap, ate a full meal AND I walked her for 45 minutes but she still managed to hold it in until 30 seconds after walking in the front door.

And people wonder why I named her “Tricksy.”


  1. Congratulations on the new addition to the family! I completely understand how you feel about getting a puppy when you have such a hectic life. It’s exactly how I felt when I adopted our second dog. I don’t what I was thinking adopting a second dog when we had one perfectly good dog! I know one thing though, we will NEVER, EVER get a puppy! Why? Because they frown at kicking a dog in the ass as method of house training.

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