Note To Self #701734702

No matter how frustrated you are with the circular, nonsensical and completely illogical argument presented to you by your significant other, it is never, ever a good idea to say the following;

“If it’s so simple and easy to do, then why can’t you put the toilet seat down your own damn self?”

Doing so will only lead to the loss of Sweet Loving Privileges for a length of time of no shorter than, “When I say so and not before.”

That is all.


  1. Oh that’s funny… because it’s so true! It just becomes difficult in the middle of the night when you don’t want to turn on the lights and you just sit down… not knowing… and fall into the bowl. ;)

  2. I myself never understood why it is soooo much harder for a woman to put the seat down than it is for a man to.. ::scratches head::

  3. If you always assume it is not down then you do not have to look. Or buy a nightlight for the bathroom. I figure if she wants it down then she can wipe it before she sits.

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