My Woman Rocks

I am in Geek heaven today.

Yesterday, HoBiscuit presented me with my Channukismas gift. Originally, I was going to write a long, drawn-out, but humorous dialogue-type post about my receipt of said gift, but honestly the gift speaks for itself.

My Gift.

Does anyone out there doubt my eternal love for this woman? Not only does she buy me a gift, she buys me the most Geekiest gift of all. It’s a date book, MP3 player, video camera, still camera, voice recorder and portable gaming device all in one! When I unwrapped it my nipples got so hard, so fast; they tore a hole in my shirt.

Nearly took her eye out, I did.


  1. A date book? I think it’s weird that the HoBiscuit you’re gonna marry gives you a device to track all your dates… unless of course she wants to be prepared for a divorce :)

    (I’m only kidding!)

  2. I know. And if you’re wondering if it could really be as cool and awesome as it looks in the pictures, well… it is.

    It frickin ROCKS!

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