More Catching Up

So, I’ve been thinking.

And that’s about as far as it goes, actually. Thinking about things and not doing them. Which is why I’ve decided to actually DO some of the things I’ve been thinking about doing for so long that I almost convinced myself that I’ve already done them. What things, you ask? Well, for one, I’ve signed up to take a Flash course and learn how to design things in Flash and thus 1up my interactive design credz. That starts next week and I hope it’s fun because otherwise I’ll be bored out of my skull and do nothing but complain here for all of you to read.

Wait, all I EVER do is complain here…

Oh well, can’t please everyone, can we? OK, what else will I be doing? Well, Hobiscuit got me a Wacom tablet for Fathers Day which means I can finally start drawing with the computer. I’ve been playing around with it and it’s wicked cool (why I just used “wicked cool” to describe something, I’ll never know). Just the fact that it has pressure and tilt sensitivity and custom brushes that seem closer to “real” brushes is a massive step up from using the mouse. I’m hoping to use it in conjunction with my burgeoning Flash skilz to create really inspiring designs and thus once again increase my mad design credz.

And lastly, I’m writing again.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know nobody really cares anymore, but the truth of the matter is that I really, really missed writing here, even when I wasn’t funny. Which as you’re probably snarkily thinking to yourself was almost all the time. So now that I’m back and writing again, I figured I’d start off by just writing, funny or not, and work my way back into the funny. Or at least find my way back to the things that I thought were funny but that made everyone else groan and roll their eyes in pain as their funny bone was pulverized by my witless and antihumorous prose. And so, in an attempt to once again be funny, I present to you my very first limerick!

There once was a man from Nantucket

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