Money By The Pound

Attention GeekMan Shoppers.

Due to fortunate circumstances within my control, I have been forced to do actual work for an actual paycheck. This is fortunate because it means I can soon afford to eat something more than brown, moldy lettuce garnished with bathroom lint and spicy mustard.

Oh, yeah. Nothing says “delicious” like a bathroom lint sandwich.

Unfortunately for you, it means that I will not be doing my PhotoBloggery post for today. Instead, you’ll need to make do with this silly announcement and any jokes or humor I can manage to put into it in the next 2 minutes. And now, for your reading enjoyment, I present a haiku and a half;

Beautiful paycheck

Receive, deposit and spend

Lo! I’m poor again

Lovely computer

You never crash…


One Comment

  1. At a good-bye luncheon for GeekMan who was leaving the company due to “downsizing,” our manager commented cheerfully, “This is fun. We should do this more often.” Not a word was spoken. We all just looked at each other with that deer-in-the-headlights stare.

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