Meeting A Mightier Geek

Guess who I met at the FIRST Robot Competition held at Columbia University on Saturday?

IT's Ginger!  And he's even riding her!

Dean Kamen is my tiny, little, geek god of silly inventions.

On more site specific news, it has been pointed out to me by a few visitors that on May 17th this site will be one year old. Some people have even asked me if they could buy me something from my nonexistent Amazon wishlist. My first response was to ask for a signed, blank check instead of a present, but that idea was rejected out of hand. Also rejected was my idea of having visitors fund my new internet venture; ‘e-Lawnmowers – For All Your Virtual Lawn Care Needs’.

I’m still working on that one.

After thinking about the Blog-iversary thing though, I was suddenly overcome by a great website birthday present idea that might just be worth everyone’s time and effort. Please hold your groans of pain at the thought of another one of my stupid ideas until after my egotistical speech is done. Your halfhearted indulgence of my immense stupidity will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Where was I? Oh yeah, presents…

My brilliant idea was to ask you, my visitors, to send me a picture of yourself wearing or holding something with my ugly face on it. Nothing scandalous or pr0n, just you in a t-shirt or hat, or holding a mug or mouse pad from my store. Amazingly enough, The Mighty Shop now has many new and exciting pieces of Geek memorabilia for you to purchase at everyday low prices. That’s right! Prices so low, I’m practically giving them all away!

[collective gasp of surprise]

Low prices, you say? What are the odds? Imagine that.

In short, I want pictures of you for my site. I’ll even link the picture you send me to your web site or email address if you’d like. If making a poor, pathetic Geek happy doesn’t send you hunting for your wallet, try thinking of the hits you’ll receive when I link to you. Imagine the fame! The power and influence! The money!

You’ll even be supplied with a lifetime supply of yellow dye number 5!

I’m not asking for much people, just a single picture of you for my gallery. I think it’ll be really, really cool to have pictures of people all over the world holding or wearing things that have my face on it. If you send me your picture you would be helping me fulfill two of my life’s secret dreams all in one fell swoop. Becoming a worldwide overnight fashion sensation and being named Egotistical, Megalomaniac Evil Super Genius of the Year by the Academy of Super Villains.

And no matter what you may think, I am not trying to reach level three of The Credo. Dammit.


  1. Robot competition? Cool. Why didn’t you tell me??? Am I not a minor geek? Is a little mentorship too much to ask? Sounds really cool!

  2. Sorry Luke. HoBiscuit’s the one who actually told me about it and she’s the one who took me. Let it be know from this point forward that HoBiscuit is just as big a Geek as I am, if not bigger. She enjoyed the competition so much, she actually had a favorite robot to root for.

    And bless her, that robot actually WON!

  3. Jack, the bot from those wacky kids at Stuyvesant High School, was quite a beaut. Very elegant.

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