I’ve Lost My Tiny, Little Mind

I think I need help.

As I was walking down the street this afternoon, going to Gamespot to pre-order Unreal Championship, I tripped and fell down. Yeah, yeah. Bread asked the requisite, “Did you have a nice trip?” Followed by the inevitable, “See you next Fall!” I glared, he guffawed and the world continued to turn on its axis so the law of gravity could find its next victim.

I curse thee, Issac Newton. Curse.

Anywaste, the act of falling down in public is nothing new to one as Geeky as I, but what I thought to myself as I got up does help illustrate just how low this Geek has sunk. You see, as I got up and dusted myself off the only thought running through my puny skull was, “Ctrl+Z”.

Yeah, I wanted to undo my fall.

How weird is that? But then, that’s not even the worst part. You see, immediately after thinking about undo-ing my fall, I realized how silly it was. That I couldn’t undo something that happened outside of the computer in the real world. So I got up and, just as I was going to continue my walk and without realizing the irony, I thought to myself, “Guess I better ‘Ctrl+S’ before I crash again.”

Man, I think I need a shrink specializing in looney Geeks.


  1. Hey GeekMan an undo command for the real world would be great! Oh the things I would undo.. but anywho back to my comment. The other day my mom had a picture and was complaining because it was faded and I said (outloud) “I can fix it! I just have to change the brightness & contrast! Oh.. wait.. thats not a digital picture.” I think I need less computer time.

  2. You’re not alone. I’ve wanted to scroll through reading material (books, newspapers, junk mail), reboot the house when the power poops out, and click to empty my trash can.

    I smell a support group forming.

  3. if it makes you feel any better… my friend greg was walking down the street, oh, this must have been 15 years ago, and dropped an armload of books. he was very confuselled when he couldn’t find the jouse to go for the drop down menu, and undo. :)

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