It’s The Time Of The Season

I had plans.

This weekend I was going to go out with HoBiscuit and enjoy life. It was a beautiful weekend; perfect for walks in the park, early dinners and late night movies, but once again all my plans were laid to waste as the evil Allergy Monster slithered into my life and kicked me in the nutsack and knocked the fun right out of me.

Damn you Allergy Monster. Damn you to hell.

At first, tissues were my friends, but after several hours of constant blowing and wiping, my nose became so raw and bruised that the mere thought of using a soft tissue to blow my nose would make me cry. Medication was my second defense, but that too failed since all it did was make me sleepy and grouchy which in turn made HoBiscuit grouchy which made my life even more miserable than it already was.

So, to sum up; I fricking HATE allergies.