I’m At My…

I can't believe I'm here already!This is me after only one day of wedding planning.

Saturday was our first official day of searching for a wedding reception site. By the end of the day I had driven over 100 miles, been on the receiving end of The Look™ six times and been informed by no less than three reception site marketing weenies that money comes and goes, but marriages last a lifetime. The last was usually followed by, “So a loving husband, like yourself, would of course opt for the deluxe package for only [astronomically large sum of money] more.”

Proudly, I only went into cardiac arrest due to sticker shock once.

Sunday was more of the same, only we went to more places where I was either ignored completely or ‘subtly’ prodded to spend more money to prove my love. By the time Sunday night rolled around, I was so starved for any kind of social interaction regarding anything other than weddings and/or money that I actually called my mother and asked her to tell me about her weekend at the Stamping Convention.

Can you even begin to imagine how low I had sunk?

Yesterday, instead of doing anything constructive, like post something here, I sat around and played video games until my eyes bled and then I watched Ocean’s Eleven, The Matrix and Desperado on the VEHTS. I’m sorry I didn’t post anything, but sometimes a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do to regain his masculinity. Tomorrow I’ll be back to top form and I might even write a song parody for the holidays, just like last year.

Anyone have any song suggestions?


  1. I think you should do a blogging version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

    And relax about the wedding. You’re not even close to being at wit’s end yet.


  2. Michele’s right … it’s only just begun. You poor thing. Just remember, until it’s over you’re going to feel like it’s ALL about the Bride. Nothing matters but the Bride. WORSHIP THE BRIDE. You’re not the Bride, therefore you must prove your love for the Bride by paying even more money.

    I say just have a BYOB Pot-luck BBQ in the park and forget about all the money-grubbing people that want you to worship the Bride. However, she might not agree…

  3. No! Bad Michele. Bad Christine. You are very bad for telling me this. I am hiding in corner now. Crying, see? You are very bad peoples. Bad, BAD!

    No soup for you!

  4. I second Christine’s suggestion for a backyard BBQ. While I can only speak from the experience of a guest, my friend’s wedding on her parents’ ostrich farm was one of the best times ever had. If I were ever to enter the ranks of the married folk (hahahahaha), I’m planning on lobbying for friend’s yard as a location.

    But then again, no one’s really holding their breath on me ever getting married, so that’s beside the point, isn’t it?

  5. I think this is why we’ve put off planning our wedding for two years.

    I’m only kidding a little bit. I hate the idea of weddings being all about the bride… I won’t have it, but my mom has different ideas.


    Gotta remember that it’s for US, not THEM… can’t please ’em all…

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