Help Me Help You

Dear Visitors,

Having recently perused my site’s logs, it is as clear as Pamela Anderson’s breast reduction to me that I have lost touch with you, my audience. I don’t know what it might be that’s causing this rift between us, but I intend to fix it.

Who loves ya, baby? That’s right, I do.

So in the spirit of two-way communication, I am going to ask for your input. I want to know what I can do to improve my content. Usually, what I write on this site can be broken down into three basic categories; my day to day life, memories from my past, and satire. Examples of each would be:

Here’s the big question, what would you prefer me to write more of? I enjoy writing all three and will continue to write them all, but if you, my audience prefer one type of story to the others, then I will write more of that type.

Yes, it really is just that easy.

Also, in regards to the length of my posts, would you prefer them to be longer, shorter or the same? I know I can ramble on at times but I always try to control myself before I write an entire novel, obviously with varying degrees of success.

Stop rolling your eyes.

I hope I’m not asking for too much here. All I really want to know is how I can make this site more enjoyable for you. I’m perfectly happy with it now and don’t really want to change anything, but I also feel that since you’re taking the time and making the effort to come here and read what I write, I should do my best to make it worth your while. I really enjoy writing entertaining stories and making people laugh. Help me do it better.

Please use the comment system to give me your thoughts. Thank you.


  1. Hi GM. An interesting survey, and I hope you get a lot of useful responses. Me, I’m pretty new here, and like most people I shy away from archives. But I can say that my favourites have been Credo, Dog Story and Snowball stories. (Both of them?)

    However, as you’d identified those as possible winners already, that’s not that much help.

    I also enjoyed the rent-cheque piece – possibly the first one I read here. The last line was excellent – Hell I might even shower. I often think of that one when I notice myself smelling a bit.

    So there ya go – this reader enjoys all your categories, and that’s no use to you at all, except for a nice pat on the back, which we all appreciate in these dark wintry months.

    Lengths are fine. All is fine. Relax. If you over-analyse, you’ll get too scared to do it.

    Readers don’t expect Pulitzer every post, and if they do want that, they can damn well write their own.

  2. Woohoo! A geek poll! nows my chance to be somewhat useful! I like ur site how it is, but my favorite posts 2 read are the Day to day life ones. you have an interesting life! share it with the world! The lengths of your posts are good, takes time to read them which is great for the people like me with no lives. & I agree with peter “Readers don’t expect Pulitzer every post, and if they do want that, they can damn well write their own.”

  3. Silly geek. Write what you want in any capacity and frequency you desire.

    Logs are of a personal nature and we are here for the ride because we are entertained and amused. We want to be here.

    You do a fine job. Quit worrying about your log and start worrying about that rash..

  4. *Wiping Tears of Joy From Eyes*

    You guys are great. I’m so happy you like me. You really, really like me. I’d like to thank the Academy…

    *End Tears of Joy*

    So far everyone (if two people and an elite fighting foce can be called ‘everyone’)likes everything I do. As if my overinflated ego needed any more helium.

    Come on people, I know there’s more of you out there and some of you must want to say something. Someone? Anyone?

  5. I agree: silly geek!

    The randomness – never knowing what you’ll find on a blog on any given day -is a huge part of the appeal for me.

    And I keep coming back here because I like everything you write. So there.

  6. Hi. Wanted to comment on your complete suckage right now. I’m sure you as a person do not suck, but I’m working with Greymatter to try and set up a site and am a half-baked geek at best. Google insists you have a helpful essay entitled Greymatter and SSI on your page and alas, you do not. My day is spoilt. Is there any way you could forward that to me before I take my server and throw it out my window? Please? :)

  7. I would like you to continue in the mixed vein you had been writing in already. Funny is funny, no matter what framework you weave them into your posts are highly entertaining and amusing.

  8. i like the pieces, too, and i think you ought to write as you wish regardless of what people think.

    (note how long this comment is)

    but, speaking as a person who can often be verbose as hell, i think you might want to pop a shorter piece in now and then.

    i looked at my logs, and found some repeat business – and what they were finding was a big-ass post in the morning and the same one in the evening. my response was to post the big-ass daily post, but to frame it with a couple of shorter posts – links, or news – just something small.

    the strange thing is, the a-listers post single sentences to their damned sites, saying almost nothing except some off-the-cuff remark about the item being linked. i can get that from yahoo.

    i DO like your posts, and i’ll read them no matter how their written, but you did ask and i thought i’d offer a suggestion from experience.

    wow – long comment :-)

  9. You suck.

    Just kidding, wanted to see your reaction. Hell, that’s a standard greeting to the opposition in an Illinois hockey game.

  10. Mesa thinkin yousa doin fine job. Mesa likes to hear about yousa life, especially yousa girl-girl, HoBiscuit. Yousa girl-girl, one mean bee-otch. Yousa explainin zeitgeist and schadenfreude and yousa usin of hyperbole, A-number-1. Mesa keeps readin when mesa gets chance, mesa just not have enough time.

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