
My nipples could cut glass.

I knew it was coming, I’ve known for almost a year, but even so I’m such a fanboy that I’m about to bust a nut over the official announcement that a Halo movie is in the works. And deep down I know that even if it’s worse than the worst movie of all time (Battlefield Earth) I will still plunk down money to see it in theaters. And then I’ll buy the HD-DVD, sit in a dark room and watch it until my eyes bleed.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I need a towel…


  1. that title caught my attention, then i snickered. i heard about the movie a couple nights ago. i too would be very happy, alas, no gaming for me other that what i see at friends

  2. Yeah, a Halo movie will be cool, sucky or not. But personally, I’m holding out for a ‘Leisure Suit Larry’ screen trilogy. Now *there’s* a tie-in waiting to happen.

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