Geek Sleep Now

A most eventful vacation.

HoBiscuit and I totally enjoyed our vacation, even with all of the driving we needed to do to cover all the ground we wanted to cover. In a nutshell, our vacation can be summed up with the following sentence. Fly, drive, see, drive, meet, drive, see, drive, meet, drive, see, drive, fly and drive some more. If it’s something to see or do in northern California, we’ve seen and done it.

9 days and 2,046 car miles later we’re back home and damn tired.

I’ll tell you all about the trip, including the infamous meeting of the mindless, in the next few days. Right now I’m just too exhausted to write anything other than we had a fabulous time.

Well, that and trucker tans suck. Big time.


  1. Thank god you’re back. It was becoming increasingly difficult to control the rumors about you. Now I’ll just confirm everything said, and leave it up to you to clean up the mess.

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