Geek In Crisis

Ever lose your life?

Well, I have. In fact, not only did I lose my life, I lost a whole lot of HoBiscuit’s life, too. You see, being a Geek, I keep most of my important documents, client billing information, treasured photographs, music, movies and a whole bunch of other valuable things on my computer. Which means that if something bad should happen to my computer, oh, let’s just say a hard drive meltdown for example, it could devastate me.

And why do I bring this up?

Well, you might have noticed that it’s been a little quiet around here lately. And, upon noticing the deafening silence, you might have asked yourself if something might have happened to poor GeekMan that would keep him away from you for so long. And then you’d probably shrug your shoulders and think, “Oh well, another idiot Blogger bites the dust. There’s plenty where that schmuck came from and to tell the truth I never really thought he was that funny, anyway.”

You heartless bastard.

Well, I haven’t bitten the dust, as it were. But, one of my external hard drives did. This was the drive I called “Silver” because it had a cool silver metal casing and could hold 250GBs of my important pr0n … ahem, I mean work documents. Silver contained all my digital photographs, all my digitized music, my movies (no pr0n), my web designs and even the backups for some of my work files. All that stuff, all of that important-to-me stuff which came out to over 140GBs worth of data, POOF! Gone. Just like that.

But there is a bright side.

You see, just last week I was thinking to myself that it would probably be a smart thing to do some kind of massive backup of all my important files. “Self,” I said to myself. “It would be horrible if you were to wake up one day and find that your external hard drives were dead and that the last time you had made backups of the files was in August of 2004. Why don’t we get ourselves one of those network attached storage thingamabobs and make daily backups so that we can avoid any unpleasant occurrences?”

And to my credit, I agreed with myself.

So I went and ordered one of these from Amazon. It arrived a couple of days later and I set it up to backup EVERYTHING on both of my external hard drives because I didn’t want to risk losing anything. And then, just ONE DAY after doing this backup, Silver rode off into the sunset for the last time.

Moral? I am the most prescient Geek alive.

So now I’m almost back to normal. I’ll tell you all about the last two weeks of my life starting on Monday when I hope everything’s calmed down enough that I can finally get back to some sort of “normal” Blogging schedule. But in the meantime, why don’t you do yourself a big favor and get a backup drive so you can backup all the important, and not so important, crap you’ve got on your computer? You’ll thank me in the morning.

And yes, that includes your prized collection of Japanese bukake pr0n.


  1. Well, after I read your post and went to Amazon to order a hard drive, I decided to buy the Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain DVD collections instead.


  2. I have good experiences with the Buffalo Terastation Pro:

    It has RAID5 with 750 GB of usable storage. Web management. Network speed is about 12 MB/sec reading, 6 MB/sec writing over a GBit interface. Good enough for nightly backups. Or for use as a simple file server.

    You do need the latest firmware though.

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