Flame On!

Here I am, minding my own business watching the big finale of Cannonball Run 2001, when I hear sirens. Hearing sirens in the big city is nothing new, so I didn’t pay much attention to them until I heard them stop at what sounded like my front door. This got me concerned enough to ponder getting up during a commercial break. (I didn’t want to miss what would happen when a girl cheated on her boyfriend with a guy from another team. Oh the suspense!)

When I heard even more sirens approaching, I thought it might be wise to look out the window and see what was going on. You know, just in case I should start packing up the VEHTS (Very Expensive Home Theater System) and carefully move them outside and out of harms way. Do not be alarmed, dear reader, it turns out that I was in no danger but the house a few doors down from me was in desperate need of water because it was currently on fire.

Seeing this as a golden opportunity to test out my brand spankin’ new digital camera (delivered at 4:53pm today by my good friend Mr. FedEx) I quickly watched the last 10 minutes of Cannonball Run, turned off the TV, got up from the couch, opened up a can of soda, put on my ever-ready pair of Danger Flip-Flops, grabbed the camera and headed outside.

I’m quick like a Llama.

Since I haven’t read the owners manual or even attempted to figure out what the silly, cryptic symbols on the camera mean, my picture taking skills are quite low. However, I was able to get a shot of the fire engines in all their glory as they sat there in the street with their lights spinning round and round and round.

Oooo, Fire Engines!

Isn’t that pretty?

So, I’ve had an exciting evening of bad television, watching a neighbor’s house burn and thereby having an excuse to use a new Geek toy and lastly sharing with the world just how pathetic I am by writing about it on my web site. Now if only I had a big sign for my neck that said, “Kick me, I’m a loser.” my life would be complete.


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