Fishfone Follies

Did you know cell phones can’t swim?

Funny story. We decided to bring The Mighty Baby to the pool this weekend so she could try swimming for the very first time, and also so HoBiscuit and I could cool off from the hotness that is Arizona. We were all excited to see how TMB would react to her first swim and as soon as we arrived we all jumped in. TMB was enjoying the water and, even though she was cautious, she didn’t cry or got scared except that one time she tried to lay down and realized that she couldn’t breath underwater and choked. That made her scream bloody murder for five minutes, causing a few concerned looks from other parents, who I think were hoping someone would make their day and give them a reason to call child services.

I think one of the ladies actually had them on speed dial.

Anywaste, after about half an hour of swimming I decided to sit down at the edge of the pool and watch HoBiscuit and TMB swim around for a while. And that’s when I realized that in my haste to enter the pool with TMB I had forgotten to empty my pockets of all the wonderful toys and important artifacts that I normally carry in them. The car keys were one thing, a little water wasn’t going to cause them any real damage. The few dollars in my pocket that HoBiscuit had allowed me to have would also be none the worse after drying them out. But, hey. What’s this thin, squarish object in my back pocket…?

Oh. Crap.

Yeah, so my cell phone, which was the hight of cell phone tech about a year ago, is now nothing more than a broken toy for my baby girl. Even worse than being without a phone for a few days is knowing that since that phone didn’t have the ability to sync with my computer all my business phone numbers are now gone. Poof, just like that. But there is good news, of a sort. Since HoBiscuit and I had the same cell phones, we just went to a local Verizon store and had them switch her phone to my number.

And then I bought her a new phone.

Well, it WAS my stupid mistake so why should I get a new phone and leave her with the “old and boring” phone? Since I couldn’t really argue that point, I thought it best to get her what she wanted, which in this case was the Blackberry Curve, and let her enjoy taunting me with how cool her new phone is compared to my “old and boring” phone. Until the Blackberry Bold comes out in January, that is. Because as soon as I can get that thing, I’m going to hold it up in her face and do the Geekgasmic Happy Dance of Superior Technology.

It’s not pretty, but it sure will be fun.

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