Easy Days

I’m being lazy today.

I’m just sitting around the house, playing Halo, surfing the web and napping. All in all, a completely lazy in a good way day. So, instead of writing another long, convoluted story here today I thought I might just ask you a question instead. And you can answer in the comments if you want. Or just ignore me and click over to something you find more entertaining. So, since I want to get back to playing Halo ASAP, here is the Mighty Question of the Day.

What is the dumbest lie you ever tried to get away with telling?


  1. Telling my old man I didn’t use his neato voice recorder when the proof was clearly in the pudding.

    “Then what the hell is this, son?”

    Dad taps the voice recorder to play.

    “Ah, ha ha ha — this is me talking. Da, da, poo poo, pee…”

  2. in 3rd grade we had to get our assignment books signed by a parant every night, and i was constantly forgetting. on yet another day that i forgot, i decided to just forge my mom’s signature. of course, it didn’t look anything like hers, so i decided to draw all over the signature, thus disguising the forgery. my teacher didn’t buy it.

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