Dropping More Than The Soap

Riddle me this, Batman.

What’s the proper etiquette when you’re in the shower with someone and you feel a really nasty fart coming on? Do you warn your showermate, thus giving them the option of fleeing in abject terror, or do you simply try to squeeze it out silently and pray that your soapy friend won’t keel over and fall to the bathtub floor in convulsions?

Either way, it sure is fun to blow those anal bubbles, isn’t it?!


  1. Miss Manners says you should look suddenly startled, shout “I think I left the stove on!”, jump out of the shower and run out of the room. After farting in the privacy of the kitchen, you are then free to return to the shower and soap up your partner again.

  2. The best thing to do is to cup one hand under the armpit of the other arm and while making farting sounds (remember: you’re in the shower. Wet pits make the best sounds) release the real, scented one from your bowels and say, “Wow! It even smells real!”

  3. forget the question if Iraq has WMDs and/or Bush lied. Forget the cure for AIDS. This is what scientists should focus on!

    (insert annoying jingle) Researching shower farts/ with your tax money/ for a better tomoooohoooooorooooooooow.

  4. If you’re in the bathtub (vs. the shower), the resulting confabulation is popularly known as a “fart bubble”, or “farble”. Much less odiferous, and nearly indistiguishable from other soapy bathwater bubbles. It just sparkles more!

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