Days Go By

Whoo-boy, have I been busy.

The last couple of weeks have been fairly crazy for me, but now that I’m finally back to a somewhat more normal schedule my posts should ratchet back up from ‘never’ to ‘infrequent’. This announcement of my pending return to somewhat regular posting should make you smile in a way that clearly conveys to me that you’re merely humoring my delusional belief that someone out there actually cares whether I live or die. Now you should be heaving a mighty sigh of martyred resignation as you pat me on the head and tell me how much you missed me.

Go on, lie. I’m so pathetic I’ll believe you.

Anywaste, many things have happened during my absence but none of those things are very funny so I won’t bother to mention them here since doing so would probably bore you all to tears. Instead, I think I’ll just wish you all a happy Halloween and end here with the understanding that I’ll try harder to be funny tomorrow when I’m not at a clients office party dressed up as a woman’s giant, hairy naughty bit with a name tag that says; “Hi! My name is George.”

Hey, a fur coat and a pink bodysuit is so a real costume!


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