Crazy Train

Sometimes life in the city sucks.

Take this morning for example. You see, I needed to go to a client’s office for some work so I got up early and caught the train into the city. On this train with me were perhaps a hundred billion other hot and sweaty New Yorkers and one very pregnant young lady who, due to the fact that all the seats on the train were already occupied when she boarded, had been forced to stand. She looked hot, tired and miserable and so, being the consummate gentleman that I am, I promptly got up and offered my seat to her. She met my eyes and gave me a warm smile of thanks and, for just a moment, I felt like a hero for doing something nice for a fellow human being.

Until the really fat jerk standing behind her stole the seat.

It was shocking how such a fat man could move so fast. In his haste to claim the seat before anyone else the fat, FAT, FAT jackhole literally pushed the pregnant woman out of the way and sat down almost on top of the guy who had been sitting next to me. After I had picked my jaw up off the ground and explained to this schmuck of the highest order that I had been getting up so the pregnant woman he had pushed out of the way could sit, he merely wiped his sweaty brow and shrugged. Then, without looking up at me, the pregnant lady or anyone else on the train, he mumbled into his coffee cup, “Sorry, but I’m just too damn tired to care.”

Believe me when I say he was thisclose to death.

Lucky for him the guy he had nearly crushed to death beneath his immense weight when he stole my seat decided to also be a gentleman and got up so the pregnant lady could sit down. Even so, the other gentleman and I, by unspoken agreement, stood as close to the seat stealing fat frick as we could, invading his personal space to the utmost, and glared at him for the entire ride.

And the fat bastard just ignored us.

Not once did he look up at us, not once did he glance at the angry pregnant lady sitting to his left or the disapproving old lady to his right and not once did he stop pretending to sip his coffee from his obviously empty coffee cup. And not once did he mention the fact that I was standing on his shoes.

Not even when I ground my heel on his toes at 34th street.


  1. This is the only time it’s okay to talk to the person beside you and spit alot. Make you you face the fat guy though.

  2. Was he from NJ?
    You should have wafted some in his general direction and blame him for letting his bowels loose.

  3. oooh. you should have taken his picture so we could make a page for him at I’m shocked by the number of people that don’t offer their seat, but this is lower than low.

  4. yep…love you.

    there’s this guy on my bus with a hearing aid, young guy, otherwise completely healthy, as far as i can tell. and hw always sits in the disabled seating and won’t move for people on cruches, people carrying infants or little old ladies with heavy grocery bags. i wanna crunch his toe too. maybe today, i will.

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