Complete Geek Alert

Blisters suck.

For the first time since I was eight and spent 12 straight hours playing Space Invaders on my Atari 2600, I’m suffering from a video game related injury. I guess it’s my own fault too, since I’m the idiot who just spent 5 hours trying to learn all of the special moves for Hayabusa in Dead Or Alive 3.

And you know what? After all that time, I still suck.

I don’t know how the hell people can possibly do the “Izuna-Otoshi” attack without having a third thumb, but apparently every human being under the age of 16 can do it six times in a row during a single round of combat while I’m left with my face stuck in the floor. That really pisses me off to no end, especially when they’re doing all of these cool special moves and all I can manage to do is “punch+punch+kick+punch”.

Dammit, I fricking suck at this game.

Oh well, at least I can still watch the sexy girl characters scamper about on the screen in their skimpy outfits. And if you watch closely, once in a while they even show panties! It’s like an indecent, decadent slice of heaven just for me. Joy!

Oh man, Kasumi versus Lei Fang. I think I just wet myself.


  1. heheh.. Just wait ’til you try Soul Calibur 2.. nice panty shots even if you have to work for them.

    You’re gonna throw the controler in tears through the wall trying to learn all the moves for that one, m’boy.

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