Award Reward

I’m feeling the spirit.

Well, not really. But I figured that maybe since everyone else was busy spreading this “Holiday Cheer” stuff all over each other in a desperate orgy of last-minute yuletide bribery in the hopes of making up for the past years’ sins and finally receiving that tickle-me-turrets Elmo that they’ve been begging for, that I might as well join in with some “good intentions” and get my rocks off at the same time. So, while I was in the shower this morning I dreamed up a little contest. Hopefully some of you will actually enter this time because it has a cash prize.

In case you missed it, CASH PRIZE!

Yep, that’s right people. The Mighty Geek, that’s me, is going to bestow upon the winner of this little contest either $25 in PayPal money OR one item off of your Amazon wishlist costing $25 or less.

It ain’t much, but it’s $25 more than you’ve got right now.

All you’ve got to do is enter my little contest and you could be the recipient of a little bit of holiday cheer you would never have expected in a million years. But hang on there, Quickdraw McGraw. Don’t blow your wad just yet; there are rules to this here contest so be sure to read them all at least twice so you don’t screw up and come hunting me with a sawed-off shotgun and a scatter-shot present with my name on it.

But first, a little contest background.

It seems to me that around this time every year people go gaga for online Blog award type things. Almost every Blogger on the net seems to be handing out awards, or attempting to coerce their readership to nominate them or vote for them for somebody else’s silly awards. Everyone seems to be soliciting their readership to vote for them in categories like; “Best Blog In The Universe, Ever” or “Best Blog Using The Color Green And The Veranda Font” or “Most Banal Blogging Banter Involving Neutered Pets”.

It’s enough to drive a person mad.

So, since it seems to me that anyone on the web can create an award for anybody they damn well choose, I think it only fair that I get an award from everyone! Don’t you agree? Well, I bet you’ll agree when you realize that that’s the contest… ingrates.

Contest Rules:

  1. You must have a Blog or Online Journal to enter this contest. If you don’t have one, too bad. I can’t help it if you’re not smart enough to go to Blogger and create one simply to enter and win this contest. I mean, it’s almost as if you want me to spell these things out for you in advance or just give the money away for nothing. Sheesh!
  2. On your Blog, create an award, any award, and designate me or my website as the winner. (Hint: it helps if you actually link to my site) The award can be for anything, anything at all, and in any form. You could designate me the winner of the YourBlog’s “Best Blogger” award, or if you’re feeling creative you can create a picture of a trophy and an award category like, “Blog Most Likely To Cause Projectile Vomiting” and present it to me on your site. Whatever makes you happiest. Use your imagination or, if your imagination is on vacation this week, then borrow somebody else’s. I don’t care.
  3. Come back to this site and leave a comment on this post and this post only with a link to my award on your site.
  4. On Thursday evening at 11:59 EST, I will close the comments for this post and then begin viewing my awards. On Friday, Christmas Eve, I will chose the award that I find to be the best based solely on my own opinion and nothing else. The winner might be the funniest, saddest, most offensive, least offensive or even the last award I look at because I’m tired and it’s fricking Christmas. Whatever I choose, my decision is final.
  5. The winner will be posted here, with a link to their site and the winning award. The winner will then contact me through email to collect their prize.

Now get busy. I’ve got an acceptance speech to give.

*** UPDATE ***

The Polls are now closed! If you didn’t enter, guess what?! You didn’t win!


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