Adam’s Revenge

I MUST be crazy.

Two years ago I put out a call to my readership to supply me with their wackiest sentences. From those I picked the ten I liked best and weaved them together into a story to entertain you while also giving the winners some linky-love. The result was Adam Dragonhart. It’s taken two whole years for me to recover from that experience, but now that I have recovered I think I might try it again.

No, I’m not on new medication. Now shut up.

That’s not to say that this story will necessarily continue Adam Dragonhart’s adventures. For all I know it will, but it’s just as possible that something new will come to my mind based on your sentences and I’ll go off on a wild tangent that has nothing at all to do with Adam. But whatever does happen, I’m praying to heaven above that it’s funny or I suspect you’ll all show up outside my door brandishing pitchforks, torches and rotten vegetables.

So, before you fire up your favorite word processor, here’s the rules.

The sentence you send should be in English and no more than 25 words long, although those words can be of any length. And if you’re going to use a made up word, please keep it to one per sentence because your made up words are rarely as clever to others as they are to you. The sentence can be about anything at all, but please no curse words. Any entries containing curse words will not be used and yes, that means you too, mom. Also, no proper names allowed. That means if you send me a sentence that reads, “Marsha told Greg to come to Alice’s room after Cindy left the house if he wanted some of her ‘special’ Brady pie.” I’ll simply ignore it, no matter how funny I think it is.

And boy, do I ever think it’s funny.

You may send as many entries as you wish, but each entry must be contained in a separate email and only one entry per contestant will be used in the final story. Please include your URL and website name with your entry email for proper linkage. If you have no website, make sure to indicate whether you want a link to your email address or if you’d prefer no link at all, in which case your entry will contain no link and finding it in the story to point out to all your imaginary friends at school will be difficult to say the least.

But I’m sure your mother will still be proud of you.

GeekMan, that’s me, reserves the right to not use your entry no matter how clever you might think it is, even if it does involve llamas. Once submitted, all entries become the property of The Mighty Geek. In fact, I reserve all rights to submitted material. You have no rights. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. The subject line of your entry should read Adam’s Revenge. All entries must be received by 11pm EST, Wednesday August 10, 2005.

Email your entries to: geekman at the mighty geek d0t c0m

That’s it. There’s no prize money or gifts being offered here, just the chance to see your words used in a yet another weird and (hopefully) funny story. Well, that and perhaps the gift of a few meager click-throughs from the readership here at The Might Geek. Now hurry up and dream up a few zany words and string them together so I can write something funny for you!

And don’t forget to spell check!