A Sorry State

Let me ask you a question.

Why is it that when a guy wants some sweet lovin’ it’s perfectly acceptable for his woman to say, “Not tonight, Dear. I’m too stressed/tired/angry/sad/another emotion.” and the man must let the matter drop because there’s nothing he can do or say that won’t make him sound like a sex-starved jackhole. But should a woman want some sweet lovin’ and the man says he doesn’t it is automatically assumed that there is some sort of problem in the relationship and the unfortunate man must spend the next three fricking hours ‘discussing’ all the perceived problems the woman sees in the relationship only to wind up apologizing for everything under the sun without knowing why the frick he’s apologizing or even what the fricking hell he’s apologizing for!?

Ahem. Not that that’s ever happened to me. I’m just saying, y’know?


  1. It’s because it’s been drilled into us girls that you guys want the sweet lovin’ every single minute of every single day. It has been demonstrated over and over again that it’s all guys ever think about.
    So when a guy says he doesn’t want the sweet lovin’, there has to be a problem! Guys always want the sweet lovin’!!
    Now this confuses us girls….and when there is confusion there must be discussion….and when there is discussion there will be apologizing. And although it may not seem like it at the time, basically you are just apologizing for being so confusing.
    Does that make sense? I hope that clears things up for you.

  2. I agree, it’s always been pounded into our heads that men never NOT want sex. So, the minute one says that he doesn’t want it, chances are he’s cheating.

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